you for sending me a copy of Tundra Kill
for review. I enjoyed reading the book and will have a review posted shortly.
am intrigued by Helen aka Wheels aka Suka Mercer in the book. She is a striking
character whose fictional personality dominates the book.
year I wrote a review of Palace of
Treason by Jason Matthews. In the book one of his prominent characters is
Vladimir Putin, the actual President of Russia, as a character in his work of
fiction. He gives Putin a murderous venal character.
subsequently put up a trio of posts on the issue of libel when real life people
or thinly disguised actual people are featured in fiction.
note you have the usual disclaimer that Tundra
Kill is a work of fiction and resemblance to anyone is “purely
coincidental”. However, Suka as she prefers to be called in the book, must have
been inspired by former Alaska governor, Sarah Palin.
the physical description down to the rectangular glasses and high cheekbones to
the “manic personality” to being the former Governor of Alaska to being an
American Vice-Presidential candidate to her love of red clothing the
resemblance is remarkable.
are not the first author I have read that looked to a recognizable real life
political leader for an important role in a mystery. Just over 25 years ago
Saskatchewan author, Gail Bowen, in the first book of the Joanne Kilbourn
series created Andy Boychuk as Saskatchewan Premier. He was clearly patterned on
actual former Premier Roy Romanow. Boychuk became her first victim dying from a
poisoned glass of water at a summer political picnic.
you are willing I have a few questions:
1.) Do you
happen to know Ms. Palin and, if so, what is your relationship? Saskatchewan is
a small province in population and I have met several of our Premiers over the
years. I expect with Alaska not having a large population there is a good
chance you have met Governors;
You're right, Alaska's a very small state, except geographically, I often say that we have zero degrees of separation up here, meaning everybody seems to know everybody. Think of us as a 650,000 square mile village!
So, yes, I have met Sarah Palin, though it might be an exaggeration to say we know each other. I remember the encounter, but I'm sure she does not.
It was in 2008 when she was running for governor. My boss at the time was a Palin supporter. I shook hands and exchanged pleased-to-meetchas with her when we met her plan at the Anchorage airport. So, if that qualifies as 'knowing' the former governor, put me on the list!
2.) By this time
I am sure Ms. Palin would know about Suka and the plot of Tundra Kill. Without giving particulars from the book there are
aspects of Suka that might be uncomfortable if not upsetting. Has Ms. Palin
responded to the book?
She has not responded, so I don't know if she's aware of it or not. Seems fairly likely since, as noted above, Alaska is basically America's largest small town.
3.) In your
acknowledgements you express appreciation to a pair of Alaskan lawyers for
their assistance on several matters. Without compromising attorney client
privilege I would interested in whether they or any other attorneys reviewed
your depiction of Suka from a libel perspective and what you might be willing
to share on how you crafted Suka considering the issue of libel.
I didn't have it reviewed expressly for libel risk, though, as you note, a couple of lawyers advised me on various aspects of the story. And my very experienced agent read it from cover to cover.
As far as techniques for avoiding libel, I made it abundantly clear in the text of the story that Helen Mercer is *not* Sarah Palin. Helen is from Chukchi; Sarah is from Wasilia. Helen is identified as Alaska's second woman governor; Sarah was the first. Helen's husband races dogs; Sarah's husband races snowmobiles; Helen was in the Alaska Legislature before being elected governor; Sarah was never in the Legislature; and so on -- there are other biographical differences, but probably too many to list.
And the most important difference: Sarah Palin has never been involved in a murder case!
Fact and fiction
already blur in real life for me with regard to Ms. Palin (I do not use
“Governor” as I have a hard time following the American way of calling someone
by their title even after the job has ended.)
Earlier this
year I watched Ms. Palin’s vigorous endorsement of Donald Trump. Subsequently,
I saw the Saturday Night Live parody of the endorsement. Watching the two
videos I found it challenging to separate the real from the unreal.
Funny you should mention that. As you may recall, Tina Fey did an amazing impression of Palin during the 2008 presidential race. At one point, Fey-as-Palin said, "I can see Russia from my house."
Hilarious, and absolutely sounds like Palin, even if she never said it.
Which takes me to my point: I still run into people from outside Alaska who are of the firm belief that Palin really did say it! They are shocked and a little disappointed to hear it was only a send-up on Saturday Night Live!
I see your
portrayal of Suka as non-malicious which is a key element in American libel
4.) Can you
become Governor of Alaska if you are not a hunter?
Good question! Legally, you can; politically, probably not!
plan to post this email after putting up my review. I would be glad to include
your replies to the questions if you are willing to have them posted. I will
have a third post on Governor Palin and red parkas.
You have my permission to use my responses.
think Nathan Active is a great character and hope Suka returns to the series.
Me too! I'll have to find a way!
Thank you, Bill, for sharing this. And thanks, too, to Mr. Jones for allowing us to read what he had to say. It is really interesting how the fiction and real-life characters resemble each other, isn't it? As has been made quite clear, they are not the same, but it's hard to miss the resemblance. I also thought your question about libel was really interesting. It's something that all authors face, I think, at one time or another. Disclaimer or no disclaimer, it's important to think about that. Oh, and I really liked that description of Alaska as 'America's largest small town.'
ReplyDeleteMargot: Thanks for the comment. Fiction and reality were blended from the first page Jones described Mercer. Jones did provide one of the year's most memorable characters.
DeleteA very interesting exchange, Bill. I am glad you followed up with all these questions.
ReplyDeleteTracyK: Thanks for the comment. I appreciate Stan being willing to respond frankly to my questions.