Thursday, October 1, 2015

New to Me Authors for July to September of 2015

The third quarter of 2015 was a 3 month period when I did not read as many books as usual. Between summer and a long cruise I read less rather than more. I wonder what that says about my priorities.

The new authors read were:

1.) No Known Grave by Maureen Jennings;

2.) Plague by C.C. Humphreys;

3.) The Ingenious Mr. Pyke by Henry Hemming;

4.) The Secret of Magic by Deborah Johnson; and,

5.) Another Margaret by Janice MacDonald.

Of the quintet four were fiction with The Ingenious Mr. Pyke being the exception though, as I set out in my review, I thought it was fiction for almost half the book. The life of Mr. Pyke was so fantastical I thought it was fiction.

Most quarters I pick one of the new authors as my favourite. This quarter I am unable to pick between The Ingenious Mr. Pyke; The Secret of Magic and Another Margaret.

For these past 3 months I do note the five new authors to me have written very different books. From WW II to 17th Century London to a biography spanning the first half of the 20th Century to the post WW II American South to contemporary academic life in Edmonton, Alberta.

I will claim diversity for the quarter.

The New to Me Author meme is hosted by Kerrie Smith at her blog, Mysteries in Paradise.


  1. You've read some really interesting-sounding books this time. And I remember thinking that I really should read The Ingenious Mr. Pike. It did sound absolutely fascinating. And about priorities? My reading might drop off, too, if I were on such a fabulous cruise.

    1. Margot: Thanks for the comment. I expect you would still read more on a cruise than I did last month.
