Just over a month ago Bernadette, a good blogging friend, died in Adelaide, Australia. I never knew Bernadette except in the virtual world of blogging. I never knew her last name was Bean until her passing. She was a fine blogger. No one was more candid in their assessments of books than Bernadette. She had some epic ranks about what she disliked though she was never personal in her thoughts. When she did like a book I took notice. The Dry by Jane Harper was a book she admired. As my personal form of tribute to Bernadette I am putting up her post below and adding my comments on the book and review in brackets.
Jane Harper’s THE DRY is well named. The drought-ridden, stiffingly-hot town
of Kiewarra and its surrounding farmland dominate the book. Remote. A small
population; always someone you know nearby which can be a blessing and a curse.
And the weather. Always the weather. Refusing, almost with intent, to give even
a hint of relief from the heat and dryness and failing to provide the
sustenance needed for the farming everyone relies on for their livelihoods.
Their lives.
(Australians know heat. While we experience heat in Western Canada
it can never compare to Australian heat. What I can relate to such heat is the
equivalent pressure from the cold we live with in winter. Cruel winters with
-40 sap energy and drive people inside but farmers with livestock must still
work outdoors. Unless you have lived in rural country where heat or cold test residents
it is hard to understand the stress of prolonged extreme temperatures. Harper
vividly explores the consequences of devastating heat and drought.)
The story opens with an all-too imaginable scene of an apparent
murder-suicide of a farming family in this inhospitable place. All dead except
for baby Charlotte.
First on the scene,
the flies swarmed contentedly in the heat as the blood pooled black over tiles
and carpet. Outside, washing hung still on the rotary line, bone dry and stiff
from the sun. A child’s scooter lay abandoned on the stepping stone path. Just one human
heart beat within a kilometer radius of the farm.
(I found the imagery powerful. It is not often I shiver reading a
passage but reading of the deaths of the family deeply affected me.)
We are drawn into the story of this place via Aaron Falk. Kiewarra
has dominated his life too. He was born there but left as a teenager. Forced
out. Literally. After one of his friends had died.
Officially she committed suicide but many locals think Aaron
played a role in her death. Only something as dramatic as his best friend Luke
Hadler’s funeral brings him
back 20 years later, after he’s made a life for himself as a Federal police officer in
Melbourne. Well that and a veiled threat.
(It is hard to create a realistic combination of past and present
violent death that has a plausible connection. Harper does it very well. I was
driven to read how the mysteries could be solved while maintaining the
Still Aaron plans to be in an out of town pretty quickly but Luke’s parents have other
ideas. They don’t believe their son
killed his wife, their son and himself. They want Aaron to prove it. Need him to prove it.
(It is clear that Aaron is motivated by guilt but what did he do
20 years ago for which he still feels guilt. Could it be that this honourable
man has been a killer despite his protestations?)
A lot of crime novels relay on abnormalities to keep readers’ attention. Serial
killers with macabre fantasies. Impossibly convoluted crimes. Implausibly
brilliant and/or quirky detectives. THE DRY has none of that. Even that
horrendous weather is par for the course in the driest continent on the planet.
Yet even without gimmicks and quirks. The story is completely gripping. There
is such a palpable sense of the hidden here. Some people’s secrets are innocuous
– merely an attempt to wrestle some privacy from life in the fish bowl that
town living can be. Others are embarrassing. Others are truly
awful. Criminal. Harper does a brilliant job of keeping us guessing about which
is which right through the novel.
(Bernadette says far better than I can that secrets of the past
and of the present are at the core of the book. All are real. What was most
impressive to me was Harper’s ability to establish secrets for characters as teenagers and as
mature adults 20 years later.)
THE DRY is a very modern tale of Australian life that happens to
have a crime or two in it. There’s no criminal mastermind at work. Just ordinary people reacting to
what they experience. What they think
they know.
(Bernadette aptly comments on the impact of what characters “think they know”. Assumption, whether based on fact or prejudice, is dangerous but is
especially prevalent in small towns where residents know family histories for
Aaron feeling unable to walk away, wanting to know the truth about
his old friend Luke. Once and for all. Luke’s parents wanting to feel like they can look people they’ve known all their
lives in the eye again. The local policeman wondering if the murder suicide is
really staged or does he just want it to be something unusual. Random locals
believing the version of that long ago death that has become folklore.
(In some mysteries the lives of “average” people are simplistic, even dull. Harper’s folk are well
rounded interesting people with strong, even obsessive, emotions.)
Amidst the
powerful backdrop of place that these people’s
stories could get swamped but Harper brings them all vividly and realistically
to life and makes the reader desperate to know what has brought each of them to
the point at which we’ve met them.
(It is a story
that has some universal themes but Harper with “powerful
backdrop of place”makes it a book
that could only happen in rural Australia. I was equally desperate to find out
what happened and read well into the night to finish the book.)
It would be more remarkable that this is a debut novel – because it
is about as flawless as they come – except that Harper is a long-time
journalist. So storytelling is clearly not new for her. Even so, whatever she
produces next will have a lot to live up to. I for one can’t wait.
(While Bernadette would likely hate a reference to a blurb, on my
paperback copy the author, David Baldacci, echoes Bernadette’s conclusion:
word is near perfect. Read it!”)
My experience of this
truly excellent book was further enhanced via a fabulous narration of the audio
version by local voice artist Steve Shanahan. His voice changes for different
characters are perfect, his cadence and pacing are natural and he seems to be
enjoying the story himself (this is not always the case.)
(I lament Bernadette’s passing but am grateful to have known her. I hope there can be
some form of remembrance of her concerning Australian crime fiction as her
nation has lost a passionate, even fierce advocate, for its crime fiction,
especially the works of woman writers. As I look for books to read I will go
back to her blog for recommendations for and against books.)
A very nice post, Bill!
ReplyDeleteJose Ignacio: Thanks for the comment. Bernadette's passing is a great loss to the real and virtual worlds.
DeleteThe Dry was one of my favourite, page turning books of last year - for all the reasons you list here. I've not long finished the next in the series Force of Nature, which I also really enjoyed & hope you will too (it received more criticism in reviews, but I didn't agree with them).
ReplyDeleteSpade and Dagger: Thanks for the comment. It was indeed a page turner. There are not enough of those books. I do expect to read Force of Nature. Thanks for the recommendation.
DeleteWhat an excellent way both to review this novel, and to remember Bernadette, Bill. I miss her very much, too. As you say, she was a true advocate for well-written Australian crime fiction. It's good to be reminded of how much she cared about the genre.
ReplyDeleteMargot: Thanks for the comment. I wish I could have met her as you did in your travels. Thank you for emphasizing how she cared for the genre we love.
DeleteThis is a lovely way to remember Bernadette, Bill. And I especially liked the way you inserted your thoughts and experiences, such as the extreme cold in Canada. I too will return to her blog for recommendations for books.
ReplyDeleteTracyK: Thanks for the comment. I am glad you also have good memories of Bernadette.
DeleteThis is a good post with Bernadette's incisive review of "The Dry," and your comments with which I agree. I, too, stayed up until the wee hours to find out what had happened in Aaron Falk's life -- past and present.
ReplyDeleteI was a big fan of Bernadette's blog and her brilliant reviews. When she liked a book, readers knew why. When she did not like a book, she took no prisoners and explained what was wrong with the book. I could imagine her saying she'd throw a book against a wall.
And I agreed with her evaluations of books. I got many good reads from her blog. And sometimes I wished I had read her review before I read a book, as I wouldn't have bothered if she she said was negative.
I so appreciate her promotion of Australian writers, especially women. And she sent me books that I could not get in the States, and wouldn't let me reciprocate.
And I lost an email friend, too. It is a loss. It's interesting how in the age of social media and the Internet that we can become friends with people we've never met and feel their loss.
And I want to mention to you as an aside, that I just saw the movie, "Marshall," based on a major case involving the first African-American U.S. Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall. It is an excellent movie. Marshall's excellent courtroom skills are at play when he challenges the prosecution's "evidence" and witnesses and then wins the case.
He was not allowed to try the case, but be an adviser to Sam Friedman, an insurance lawyer whom he asked to represent his client who was unjustly accused of rape in a famous case.
The case is well-presented and the congeniality of the two lawyers develops into a friendship. And the film shows the racism and anti-Semitism at play in Connecticut in 1940-41.
Kathy D.: Thanks for the comment. Bernadette was a unique blogger who was a generous soul. There can never be too many advocates for fine crime fiction writing. The world of blogging is not quite as much fun with Bernadette gone.
DeleteWhat a great way of remembering a great blogger, Bill. It was a bittersweet and enjoyable read. Well done.
ReplyDeleteMoira: Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate them.
ReplyDeleteI still automatically look for Bernadette's blog and miss it. But I will look up posts and book reviews.
ReplyDeleteI hope you see "Marshall."
Kathy D.: Thanks for the comment. Some years ago I read about the case but remember little of the case.
DeleteIt's not only the case, but Thurgood Marshall is brilliant. And the bigotry of the time towards Jewish people and African Americans is shown in the courtroom.
ReplyDeleteKathy D.: Thanks for the comment. There was a lot of bigotry towards many ethnic groups and peoples of colour at that time..