About Me

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Melfort, Saskatchewan, Canada
I am a lawyer in Melfort, Saskatchewan, Canada who enjoys reading, especially mysteries. Since 2000 I have been writing personal book reviews. This blog includes my reviews, information on and interviews with authors and descriptions of mystery bookstores I have visited. I strive to review all Saskatchewan mysteries. Other Canadian mysteries are listed under the Rest of Canada. As a lawyer I am always interested in legal mysteries. I have a separate page for legal mysteries. Occasionally my reviews of legal mysteries comment on the legal reality of the mystery. You can follow the progression of my favourite authors with up to 15 reviews. Each year I select my favourites in "Bill's Best of ----". As well as current reviews I am posting reviews from 2000 to 2011. Below my most recent couple of posts are the posts of Saskatchewan mysteries I have reviewed alphabetically by author. If you only want a sentence or two description of the book and my recommendation when deciding whether to read the book look at the bold portion of the review. If you would like to email me the link to my email is on the profile page.

Friday, July 1, 2016

9th Canadian Book Challenge Roundup (Part I)

Sharon and I spent Canada Day in Regina. I had covered the Roughriders season opener last night and we stayed over.

The drive home was almost a classic rural Saskatchewan drive. For most of the 300 km we were on cruise control sailing down a quiet highway watching the clouds moving across the vast sky while listening to 60's rock on the radio.

Then we came over a hill and there was the wreckage of a bad accident in the ditch. Several vehicles had already stopped to help and we were directed on. As we drove on to Melfort seven emergency vehicles passed us as they responded to the accident.

I am a little subdued thinking about the accident as I write this post on successfully completing the 9th Canadian Book Challenge which ran from July 1, 2015 to yesterday.

For the Challenge readers seek to read 13 books by Canadian authors.

The books I read were:

1.) No Known Grave by Maureen Jennings

2.) Plague by C.C. Humphreys

3.) Booked for Trouble by Eva Gates

4.) Another Margaret by Janice MacDonald

5.) The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley

6.) The Nature of the Beast by Louise Penny - Part I and Part II

7.) Tropéano’s Gun by John Brooke

8.) The Women of Skawa Island by Anthony Bidulka

9.) The Night Bell by Inger Ash Wolfe

10.) The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley

11.) The Wail of the Windigo by Steve Pitt

12.) What's Left Behind by Gail Bowen

13.) The Heart of Hell by Alen Mattich

14.) Hungry Ghosts by Peggy Blair

15.) A Killing in Zion by Andrew Hunt

16.) The Storm Murders by John Farrow

For the 7th Challenge I read 18 books and for the 9th Challenge it was 19 books.

I appreciate John Mutford hosting the Challenge at his fine blog, The Book Mine Set.

In my next post I will discuss the books I read during the 9th Challenge.


  1. I've seen accidents like that, Bill, and they really can be terrible. I hope everyone's all right. Thanks for this list of books. It gives me a really useful resource. I'll be interested in your thoughts on the books you chose.

    1. Margot: Thanks for the comment. It was a good year of reading Canadian books.
