The opening paragraph establishes this book will not be a
blood drenched thriller:
said “when things get rough you can always fall back on teaching” probably had
not considered the rigors of pedagogy. Of course, they probably had no idea
what the word pedagogy meant in the
first place.
Randy, officially Miranda, Craig labouring away as a
sessional instructor at Grant MacEwan College is startled to hear a new Margaret
Ahlers book is about to be published. She knows Ahlers could not have written a
new book. How does she know?
Twenty years earlier, back in the late 1980's, Randy had decided to
enter the world of academe by turning her undergraduate English degree into a
M.A. Choosing the University of Alberta in Edmonton she casts around for a
suitable topic for a thesis.
Randy is intrigued by Margaret Ahlers who is a rising
presence in Canadian literature. Ahlers has written three novels, all well
received by critics and readers. She is a contemporary author. A quick search
shows few other graduate level theses on Ahlers.
Most important, Professor Hilary Quinn at the U. of A.
has written a number of scholarly articles about Ahlers. Randy contacts
Professor Quinn who agrees to be her supervisor.
Randy undertakes a thesis on “place and belonging in
Ahlers’ fiction within the context of Canadian regional dictates”. The books
are clearly set in Western Canada but in an unnamed area.
Her research is hampered by the reclusive nature of
Ahlers. Biographical notes are non-existent. There is no way to directly
contact her. Ahlers is a mystery woman.
More important Quinn is not helpful, Randy becomes grad
student paranoid over the little feedback she is getting from her supervisor.
Is Dr. Quinn playing a godgame with her:
godgame. You know, one where you are the player, but you don’t know the rules.
You try to go one way, and the god who is the game-master lops off your arm
because you’ve somehow transgressed an unwritten law.”
Randy, through an exhaustive analysis of the books,
concludes the Ahlers books have been set in the Peace River country of
northwestern Alberta.
In a trip to the Peace River country Randy cannot find
any proof of Ahlers but learns that Professor Quinn is well known, even a touch
notorious, in the area.
As Randy pursues her thesis on her own she is startled
when a new Ahlers book appears that is completely different from the earlier
books in that it is a mystery. There is consternation in the academic world for
Ahlers has written a work with “a ‘sub-literary’ text” rather than another work
of “literary fiction”.
Does Ahlers remain a suitable study for a Master’s
thesis? Randy says to herself that she is no longer writing about either the
next Margaret Laurence or the next Margaret Atwood but the next Margaret
Millar. Those who recognize those 3 names have a solid knowledge of Canadian
literature. MacDonald challenges readers with literary, mainly Canadian,
references throughout the book. Doubt on whether one is on the right course for
the thesis appears to dominate the grad student experience.
Randy does persevere and proceeds to analyze the fourth
Ahlers book.
Randy’s study of the quartet of Ahlers’ books is as
creative writing in crime fiction as I have encountered in a long time. To
credibly have Randy doing a detailed study of each book MacDonald has
effectively written extensive plot lines for four additional books (five when
the later Ahlers book is published) within Another
Margaret. MacDonald is so effective I found myself wishing I could read the
fiction of the fictional Ahlers.
A short time later Randy is shaken when Ahlers’ publisher
announces Ahlers has died. As with her life there are no details about her
Randy’s working theory on how Ahlers died is the weakest
part of the book. In all but this section of the book Randy is a clever
perceptive woman.
After revealing what happens to Ahlers the book returns
to the present where Randy is reluctantly helping organize a 20 year reunion
for English Masters and Honours students.
There are numerous deft comments for those who love
English to appreciate in the book. An example involves the list of invitees
Randy is working on for the reunion:
knew there that many English majors in the world? You’d think there would be
far fewer apostrophe problems on signage.
Describing herself as an ambivert Randy does well speaking
to groups on topics she knows well but is uncomfortable in settings of a few
people she does not know well.
The best part of her life is her relationship with
Edmonton Police Services detective, Steve Browning. They have had a good and
caring relationship. Knowing he will be with her at the reunion calms her
anxiety at meeting former classmates two decades later.
There is an unexpected dramatic conclusion to Another Margaret that had one too many
twists for me.
While I have noted a couple of flaws Another Margaret is an excellent book. The setting of urban and
rural Alberta is well done. The exploration of contemporary academic life is
MacDonald, in Randy Craig, has created a memorable
academic sleuth who is the Alberta equivalent to Gail Bowen’s character, Joanne
Kilbourn, from Saskatchewan. I am going to read more in the series.
This review is part of a blog tour organized by the
publisher, Turnstone Press. In addition to my review today I will be posting Q
and A with the author this coming Saturday as part of the tour. I encourage readers to check out the
thoughts of other bloggers participating in the tour. The full tour is:
Monday, Sept. 28
Tuesday, Sept 29
Wednesday, Sept 30
Thursday, Oct 1 - double feature
Friday, Oct 2
Saturday, Oct 3
Tuesday, Sept 29
Wednesday, Sept 30
Thursday, Oct 1 - double feature
Friday, Oct 2
Saturday, Oct 3
This book really appeals to me, Bill. Flaws or not, it sounds as though it has a great academic setting, a solid premise and an interesting set of questions. The setting has my interest, too. I think this is definitely one I'll have to look out for. I have to say I like it, too, that it's not blood-drenched.
ReplyDeleteMargot: Thanks for the comment. I think this book was written for you. I would be very interested in your thoughts on Janice's portrayal of the academic life in Canadian universities.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the sound of this one, and it looks as though it is possible to get hold of it in the UK if you search around.... It sounds unusual but very compelling.
ReplyDeleteMoira; Thanks for the comment. I expect you will find the book intriguing.
DeleteI have ordered it!
DeleteGood news!