* - deceased
** - Saskatchewan author and setting
Abdul-Jabbbar and Waterhouse, Anna - (2020) - Mycroft
Abrams, Stacey - (2022) - While Justice Sleeps
Ace, Cathy - (2022) - The Corpse With the Iron Will
Adair, Lisa - (2024) - The Puzzle Box
Adler-Olsen, Jussi - (2011) - The Keeper of Lost Causes; (2012) - The Absent One; (2020) - A Conspiracy of Faith; (2020) The Purity of Vengeance and Involuntary Sterilization in Denmark and Canada; (2023) - The Marco Effect; (2025) - The Hanging Girl
Airth, Rennie – (2000) - River of Darkness; (Best fiction of 2000); (2004) - The Blood-Dimmed Tide; Paperback
Alvtegen, Karin – (2003) – Missing; Hardcover (Second Best fiction in 2003)
Arthurson, Wayne - (2022) - The Traitors of Camp 133 and Fiction and Real Life Murders in a Canadian Prisoner of War Camp
Ash, Maureen – (2007) - The Alehouse Murders; Paperback
Atkinson, Kate – (2008) - Case Histories; Hardcover or paperback
Aubert, Rosemary – (2006) - The Red Mass; Hardcover or paperback
Bala, Sharon - (2019) - The Boat People and An Ending for The Boat People and Thoughts on the End of Summer 2020
Ballem, John – (2005) - Murder as a Fine Art; Maybe paperback
Aubert, Rosemary – (2006) - The Red Mass; Hardcover or paperback
Bala, Sharon - (2019) - The Boat People and An Ending for The Boat People and Thoughts on the End of Summer 2020
Ballem, John – (2005) - Murder as a Fine Art; Maybe paperback
Balson, Ronald H. - (2014) - Once We Were Brothers and Eyewitness Evidence Six Decades After WW II
Barclay, Linwood – (2008) - Bad Move; (2008) - No Time for Goodbye; Hardcover
Baker, Martin – (2009) – Meltdown; Paperback
Barnard, J.E. - (2018) - When the Flood Falls and Q & A with Jayne Barnard; (2023) - Why the Rock Falls
Baron, Michael – (2006) - The Mourning Sexton; Hardcover or paperback
Barrows, Annie – (2009) The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society with Mary Ann Shaffer (Second most interesting of 2009)
Barry, Steve – (2007) - The Alexandra Link; Paperback maybe
Barton, Chad - (2011) - The Goodbye Man; Questions and Answers with Chad Barton
Beckett, Simon – (2008) - The Chemistry of Death; Hardcover (Maybe ____ best of fiction of 2008)
Beckwith, Lillian - (2015) - The Hills is Lonely
Benns, Roderick - (2011) - The Mystery of the Moonlight Murder - An Adventure of the Young John Diefenbaker; Leaders and Legacies series; (2012) - The Legends of the Lake on the Mountain - An Adventure of the young John A. MacDonald
Berenson, Alex - (2020) - The Power Couple
** Bidulka, Anthony – Russell Quant series and Adam Saint series and Merry Bell series and standalones:
Russell Quant books - (2004) - Amuse Bouche (Most
Interesting of 2004 – fiction and non-fiction); (2005) - Flight of Aquavit (2nd Best fiction in 2005); (2005) - Tapas on the Ramblas; (2006) - Stain of the Berry; (2008) - Sundowner Ubuntu; (2009) - Aloha, Candy Hearts; (2010) - Date with a Sheesha; (2012) - Dos Equis; Paperback or Hardcover
Adam Saint books - (2013) - When the Saints Go
Interesting of 2004 – fiction and non-fiction); (2005) - Flight of Aquavit (2nd Best fiction in 2005); (2005) - Tapas on the Ramblas; (2006) - Stain of the Berry; (2008) - Sundowner Ubuntu; (2009) - Aloha, Candy Hearts; (2010) - Date with a Sheesha; (2012) - Dos Equis; Paperback or Hardcover
Adam Saint books - (2013) - When the Saints Go
Marching In and (2015) - The Women of Skawa Island
Merry Bell books - (2023) Livingsky and Merry Bell - Saskatchewan Transgender Sleuth and Exchange with Anthony Bidulka on Livingsky; (2024) From Sweetgrass Bridge and I Am Excited to Become a Fictional Character and Poetry in Football - Fictionally and Real Life and Anthony Bidulka at the Melfort Library
Standalones - (2017) - Set Free; (2022) - Going to Beautiful and Stellar Book Launch for Going to Beautiful
Billheimer, John – (2001) - Contrary Blues; Paperback (?)
Merry Bell books - (2023) Livingsky and Merry Bell - Saskatchewan Transgender Sleuth and Exchange with Anthony Bidulka on Livingsky; (2024) From Sweetgrass Bridge and I Am Excited to Become a Fictional Character and Poetry in Football - Fictionally and Real Life and Anthony Bidulka at the Melfort Library
Standalones - (2017) - Set Free; (2022) - Going to Beautiful and Stellar Book Launch for Going to Beautiful
Billheimer, John – (2001) - Contrary Blues; Paperback (?)
Bilyeau, Nancy - (2013) - The Crown
Black, Cara - (2020) - Murder in the Marais and Reading of the Marais Simultaneously
Black, Jay - (2019) - Poppy and Highway of Heroes
Blair, Peggy - (2016) - Hungry Ghosts
Blake, Victoria – (2004) - Bloodless Shadow; Paperback
Blondal, Patricia - (2016) - A Candle to Light the Sun and Patricia Blondal and Reflections
Blunt, Giles – (2004) - Forty Words of Sorrow; Hardcover (Tied for third Best fiction in 2004); (2005) - The Delicate Storm; (2006) - Blackfly Season; Hardcover probably
Bosco, Alix (pseudonymn of Greg McGee) - (2012) - Slaughter Falls; (2012) - Being Affected by a Male Author Creating a Female Sleuth
Boughey, Lynn M. - (2011) - Mission to Chara
** Bowen, Gail – (2000) - Burying Ariel (Second best fiction of 2000); (2002) - The Glass Coffin; (2004) - The Last Good Day; (2007) – The Endless Knot (Second Best Fiction of 2007); (2008) - The Brutal Heart; (2010) - The Nesting Dolls; (2011) - Deadly Appearances; (2012) - Kaleidoscope; (2013) - Murder at the Mendel; (2013) - The Gifted and Q & A; (2015) - 12 Rose Street; Q & A with Gail Bowen on Writing and the Joanne Kilbourn Series; (2016) - What's Left Behind and Heritage Poultry in Saskatchewan Crime Fiction; (2017) - The Winners' Circle; (2018) - Sleuth - Gail Bowen on Writing Mysteries / Gail the Grand Master - (Part I) and (Part II); (2018) - A Darkness of the Heart and Email Exchange with Gail on ADOH; (2020) - The Unlocking Season; (2021) - An Image in the Lake and The Fourth "F" is Forgiveness; (2023) - What's Past is Prologue and Law Matters in What's Past is Problogue; (2023) The Legacy - Hardcover
Box, C.J. – (2009) - Open Season; (2011) - Savage Run; (2012) - Winterkill; Hardcover or paperback
Boughey, Lynn M. - (2011) - Mission to Chara
** Bowen, Gail – (2000) - Burying Ariel (Second best fiction of 2000); (2002) - The Glass Coffin; (2004) - The Last Good Day; (2007) – The Endless Knot (Second Best Fiction of 2007); (2008) - The Brutal Heart; (2010) - The Nesting Dolls; (2011) - Deadly Appearances; (2012) - Kaleidoscope; (2013) - Murder at the Mendel; (2013) - The Gifted and Q & A; (2015) - 12 Rose Street; Q & A with Gail Bowen on Writing and the Joanne Kilbourn Series; (2016) - What's Left Behind and Heritage Poultry in Saskatchewan Crime Fiction; (2017) - The Winners' Circle; (2018) - Sleuth - Gail Bowen on Writing Mysteries / Gail the Grand Master - (Part I) and (Part II); (2018) - A Darkness of the Heart and Email Exchange with Gail on ADOH; (2020) - The Unlocking Season; (2021) - An Image in the Lake and The Fourth "F" is Forgiveness; (2023) - What's Past is Prologue and Law Matters in What's Past is Problogue; (2023) The Legacy - Hardcover
Box, C.J. – (2009) - Open Season; (2011) - Savage Run; (2012) - Winterkill; Hardcover or paperback
Boyd, Noah - (2011) - The Bricklayer
Bradby, Tom – (2004) - The Master of Rain; Paperback; maybe hardcover
Bradley, Alan - (2015) - The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie and A Postage Stamp Provides the Motive; (2016) - The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag and Flavia de Luce and Tom Swift Jr.; (2016) - A Red Herring Without Mustard
Brodrick, William - (2023) - The Discourtesy of Death and Can Death be Courteous? and Gilbertines in Fiction and Contemporary Life
Brooke, John - (2014) - Walls of a Mind and Clashing Women in Authority; (2015) - Tropéano’s Gun and A Woman and Her Gun
Brown, Dale – (2007) - Fatal Terrain; Paperback
Brown, Dale – (2007) - Fatal Terrain; Paperback
Brown, Dan - (2003) - Angels and Demons; (2003) - The Da Vinci Code (Tied for the best fiction in 2003); (2009) - The Lost Symbol; (2013) - Inferno; Hardcover or paperback
**Brunanski, Nelson – (2005) - Crooked Lake; (2010) - Frost Bite; (2012) - Burnt Out; (2014) - Minnesota Nice and Saskatchewan Polite
Buffa, D.W. - (2003) - The Judgment; Paperback
Burdette, Lucy - (2022) - An Appetite for Murder; (2022) - The Key Lime Crime; (2022) - Local Food Experiences in Crime Fiction and Real Life
Burke, James Lee – (2000) - Cimmaron Rose; (2001) – Bitterroot; Paperback
Burke, James Lee – (2000) - Cimmaron Rose; (2001) – Bitterroot; Paperback
Caldwell, Ian – (2004) - The Rule of Four (co-authored by Dustin Thomason); Maybe Hardcover
Camilleri, Andea - (2012) - The Shape of Water (1994); (2023) - A Voice in the Night
Campbell, Melodie - (2018) - The B-Team
Campbell, Melodie - (2018) - The B-Team
Cannell, Stephen J. – (2001) - King Con; Maybe paperback
Carofiglio, Gianrico - (2012) - Involuntary Witness
Carr, Glyn - (2011) - Murder on the Matterhorn (1951)
Carofiglio, Gianrico - (2012) - Involuntary Witness
Carr, Glyn - (2011) - Murder on the Matterhorn (1951)
Carpenter, J.D. – (2004) - The Devil in Me; Paperback
Carr, John Dickson - (2011) - Death Turns the Tables; (2017) - The Three Coffins
Carr, John Dickson writing as Carter Dickson - (2011) - The Judas Window
Carter, Alan - (2018) - Marlborough Man
Carter, Stephen L. - (2022) - The Emperor of Ocean Park
* Caunitz, William – (2000) - Chains of Command
Cavanagh, Steve - (2022) - Th1rt3en and At Issue with Th1rt3en
Chapman, Brenda - (2015) - Cold Mourning
Chapman, Drew - (2014) - The Ascendant; (2016) - The King of Fear and Creating a Credible Catastrophe
Chazin, Suzanne – (2003) - The Fourth Angel; Paperback
Chesterton, G.K. - (2013) - "I" is for The Innocence of Father Brown
Child, Lee - (2011) - Bad Luck and Trouble
Chorney, Ruth (2019) - Buried
Christie, Michael (2020) - Greenwood and Tree Ring Edging on a Sustainably Published Book and Emails with Michael Christie on Greenwood, Trees and Saskatchewan
Chua, Amy - (2024) - Golden Gate and Detective Al Sullivan
Church, James – (2008) - A Corpse in the Koryo; Paperback
Clark, Cassandra – (2009) - Hangman Blind; Paperback
Clavell, James - (2002) - Gai-Jin; (2021) - Noble House; Hardcover
Clayden, Dwayne - (2019) - Crisis Point
Clayden, Dwayne - (2019) - Crisis Point
Cleeves, Ann - (2011) - Raven Black
Cleverly, Barbara – (2004) - The Last Kashmiri Rose; (2005) Ragtime in Simla; Paperback
Cleverly, Barbara – (2004) - The Last Kashmiri Rose; (2005) Ragtime in Simla; Paperback
Cocks, Heather and Morgan, Jessica - (2021) - The Royal We and A Canadian Fascinator Amidst Royal Hats
Cohen, Gabriel - (2002) - Red Hook; (2008) - The Graving Dock; Hardcover
Collier, Deryn - (2014) - Open Secret
Compton, Jodi – (2006) - The 37th Hour; Hardcover
Connelly, Michael – (2000) - Void Moon; (2001) - A Darkness More than Night; (2001) - The Concrete Blonde (Third best fiction of 2001); (2002) - Blood Work (The Best); (2002) - City of Bones; (2003) - Lost Light; (2004) - The Narrows; (2005) - The Closers (Tied for 3rd best fiction of 2005); (2005) - The Lincoln Lawyer; (2007) - Echo Park; (2007) - The Overlook; (2008) - The Brass Verdict; (2009) – The Scarecrow; (2009) – Nine Dragons; (2011) - The Reversal; (2011) - The Fifth Witness; (2012) - The Drop; (2012) - Black Echo; (2012) - Harry Bosch: The First 20 Years; (2012) - The Black Box; (2014) - The Gods of Guilt; (2014) - The Bloody Flag Move is Sleazy and Unethical; (2015) - The Burning Room; (2015) - Everybody Counts or Nobody Counts; (2016) - The Crossing; (2016) - Lawyers and Police Shifting Sides; (2017) - The Wrong Side of Goodbye and A Famous Holograph Will; (2017) - Bosch - T.V. - Season One and Titus Welliver as Harry Bosch; (2018) - Two Kinds of Truth; (2019) - Dark Sacred Night and A Protest on Connelly's Use of Vigilante Justice; (2020) - The Night Fire; (2020) - Fair Warning; (2021) - The Law of Innocence and Writing a Credible Trial; (2022) - The Dark Hours; (2024) - Resurrection Walk; (2024) - Kim Stone and Harry Bosch; (2025) - The Waiting; Hardcover
Corcoran, Tom - (2021) - The Quick Adiós (Times Six)
Cornish, Michelle - (2019) - Murder Audit
Cornwell, Patricia – (2001) - The Last Precinct; (2004) - Blow Fly; Maybe paperback
Cosby, S.A. - (2022) - Razorblade Tears and Who is S.A. Cosby?; (2024) - All the Sinners Bleed
Cotterill, Colin – (2006) - The Coroner’s Lunch (Second best fiction of 2006); (2008) Thirty-Three Teeth; Hardcover
Cotterill, Colin – (2006) - The Coroner’s Lunch (Second best fiction of 2006); (2008) Thirty-Three Teeth; Hardcover
Craig, Peter – (2005) - Hot Plastic; Hardcover or paperback
Crais, Robert – (2001) - Demolition Angel (Best fiction of 2001); (2001) – Hostage; (2003) - The Last Detective; (2004) - Indigo Slam; (2005) - The Monkey’s Raincoat; (2005) - Stalking the Angel; (2005) - L.A. Requiem; (2005) - Voodoo River; (2006) The Forgotten Man; (2006) - The Two Minute Rule; (2007) - The Watchman; (2008) - Chasing Darkness; (2010) - The First Rule; (2012) - "C" is for Robert Crais; (2012) - Taken; (2018) - The Wanted; Hardcover
Crichton, Michael – (2000) - Timeline
Crombie, Deborah – (2000) - Dreaming of the Bones
Culhane, Patrick – (2008) - Black Hats; Paperback
Cumming, Charles - (2015) - Trinity Six and Literary Challenge of Finding the 6th Cambridge Spy
Dale, Gordon W. - (2011) - Fool's Republic; (2011) - Questions and Answers; (2011) - Thoughts on Questions and Answers; Gordon W. Dale Autobiography
Cumming, Charles - (2015) - Trinity Six and Literary Challenge of Finding the 6th Cambridge Spy
Dale, Gordon W. - (2011) - Fool's Republic; (2011) - Questions and Answers; (2011) - Thoughts on Questions and Answers; Gordon W. Dale Autobiography
Davies, Fiona - (2021) - The Lions of Fifth Avenue and Visiting the New York City Public Library
Deaver, Jeffery – (2000) - The Empty Chair; (2002) - The Stone Monkey; (2002) - Mistress of Justice; (2003) - The Vanished Man; (2005) - Garden of Beasts; (2005) - The Twelfth Card; (2006) - Cold Moon; (Tied for 3rd Best fiction of 2006); (2008) - The Broken Window; (2010) - The Burning Wire; (2013) - The Kill Room; (2014) - The Skin Collector; (2017) - The Steel Kiss; (2019) - The Burial Hour; (2021) - The Never Game and Handwritten Notes Are the Best; (2023) - The Midnight Lock; (2024) - The Watchman's Hand;
Delany, Vicki -
1.) Const. Molly Smith - (2013) - A Cold White Sun
2.) Fiona MacGillivray - (2014) - Gold Web
3.) Writing as Eva Gates the Lighthouse Library
Delany, Vicki -
1.) Const. Molly Smith - (2013) - A Cold White Sun
2.) Fiona MacGillivray - (2014) - Gold Web
3.) Writing as Eva Gates the Lighthouse Library
Series with Lucy Richardson - (2014) - By Book or
by Crook and Bodie Island Lighthouse; (2015) -
Women v. Men in Clothing Descriptions
4.) The Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mysteries
with Gemma Doyle - (2017) - Elementary, She Read
Women v. Men in Clothing Descriptions
4.) The Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mysteries
with Gemma Doyle - (2017) - Elementary, She Read
and Fictional and Real Life Bookshops and
Sherlock and Where is "Gemma" From?; (2018) -
Baker Street; (2020) - There's A Murder Afoot and
Dressing to Impress; (2020) - A Curious Incident;
Dressing to Impress; (2020) - A Curious Incident;
(2022) - A Three Book Problem
DeMille, Nelson – (2000) - The Lion’s Game; (2003) - By the Rivers of Babylon; (2004) - Word of Honor; (2008) - Wild Fire; (2012) - Up Country and Demille on War and Returning to Vietnam;
Deverell, William - (2011) - A Trial of Passion; (2011) - Snow Job; (2012) - I'll See You in My Dreams; (2012) - "D" is for William Deverell; (2014) - Kill All the Lawyers and The Lawyers of Kill All the Lawyers; (2015) - Sing a Worried Song and Truth is Stranger Than Fiction - Sing a Worried Song; (2018) - Whipped and A Fictional Porcupine Plain; (2021) - Stung and A Fictional Defence of Necessity; (2024) - The Long-Shot Trial
Devlin, A.J. - (2019) - Cobra Clutch; (2020) - Rolling Thunder and Stampede Wrestling and and Exchange with Author A.J. Devlin; (2022) - Five Moves of Doom and Discussing Five Moves with A.J.; (2024) - Bronco Buster and Poetry and Professional Wrestling and Email to A.J. on Bronco Buster and His Remarkable Reply
Dibdin, Michael – (2009) – Ratking; Paperback
Dickson, Carter - See Carr, John Dickson
Disher, Gary - (2012) - The Dragon Man
Doherty, Paul - (2011) - Nightshade
Doiron, Paul - (2018) - Massacre Pond
** Dooley, Anne M. – (2004) - Plane Death; Paperback
Douaihy, Margot - (2023) - Scorched Grace
Dugoni, Robert - (2013) - Murder One and Email Exchange with Dugoni on Legal Ethics; (2014) - The Jury Master; (2015) - My Sister's Grave
Dunning, John – (2004) - The Bookman’s Promise; maybe hardcover.
Durrenmatt, Friederich - (2011) - The Pledge
Edmondson, Jill - (2011) - Blood and Groom; (2011) - Dead Light District; (2012) The Lies Have It; (2014) - Frisky Business
Edwards, Martin - (2018) - All the Lonely People and A Dislike of Cynical Lawyers; (2020) - Mortmain Hall and A Real Life Case and Mortmain Hall and An Exchange with Martin Edwards on Mortmain Hall
Egan, Fergus P. - (2019) - Black Donnelly, Rats and Pigs
Eisler, Barry - (2002) - Rain Fall (Best fiction of 2002); (2003) Hard Rain; (2005) - Rain Storm; Hardcover
Egan, Fergus P. - (2019) - Black Donnelly, Rats and Pigs
Eisler, Barry - (2002) - Rain Fall (Best fiction of 2002); (2003) Hard Rain; (2005) - Rain Storm; Hardcover
Ekbäck, Cecilia - (2021) - The Historians and Eugenics and Genetics and The Historians
Elkins, Aaron – (2000) - Loot
Ellis, David - (2013) - The Wrong Man
Emerson, Earl - (2003) - The Rainy City; Paperback
Enger, Leif – (2004) - Peace Like A River; Hardcover or paperback
Enger, Thomas - (2013) - Pierced
Eriksson, Kjell - (2011) - The Princess of Burundi; Hardcover or paperback
Escott, Helen C. - (2019) - Operation Wormwood and Comparing the Discovery of Wormwood with The Discovery of AIDS
Evanovich, Janet and Hamilton Steve - (2021) - The Bounty
Evans, Liz – (2004) - Who Killed Marilyn Monroe?; Maybe paperback
Everhart, Max - (2014) - Go Go Gato; (2015) - Split to Splinters and How Much is a Baseball Worth?; (2015) - Ed, Not Eddie and An Exchange of Letters with Max Everhart
Fairstein, Linda – (2008) - Killer Heat; (2015) - Terminal City and The Mystery of FDR's Armored Train and Grand Central Terminal; (2019) - Linda Fairstein and the Central Park 5 - Started and Finished; Paperback
Fallis, Terry - (2021) - Albatross
Farrow, John (pseudonym for Trevor Ferguson) - The Storm Murders
Ferguson, Ian - (2023) - I Only Read Murder (with Will Ferguson)
Ferguson, Will - (2021) - The Finder; (2023) - I Only Read Murder (with Ian Ferguson)
Evanovich, Janet and Hamilton Steve - (2021) - The Bounty
Evans, Liz – (2004) - Who Killed Marilyn Monroe?; Maybe paperback
Everhart, Max - (2014) - Go Go Gato; (2015) - Split to Splinters and How Much is a Baseball Worth?; (2015) - Ed, Not Eddie and An Exchange of Letters with Max Everhart
Fairstein, Linda – (2008) - Killer Heat; (2015) - Terminal City and The Mystery of FDR's Armored Train and Grand Central Terminal; (2019) - Linda Fairstein and the Central Park 5 - Started and Finished; Paperback
Fallis, Terry - (2021) - Albatross
Farrow, John (pseudonym for Trevor Ferguson) - The Storm Murders
Ferguson, Ian - (2023) - I Only Read Murder (with Will Ferguson)
Ferguson, Will - (2021) - The Finder; (2023) - I Only Read Murder (with Ian Ferguson)
Ferraris, Zoe – (2011) - Finding Nouf; (2012) - "F" is for Zoe Ferraris; Hardcover or paperback
Fesperman, Dan - (2018) - The Letter Writer
Finder, Joseph – (2003) - High Crimes; Maybe paperback
Flanigan, Dan - (2019) - Mink Eyes
Florence, Elinor - (2019) - Bird's Eye View and The Women of Meskanaw Who Went to War
Follett, Ken - (2002) - Code to Zero; (2008) - World Without End; (2014) - Hornet Flight; Paperback buy maybe after the first and Hardcover after the second
Folsom, Allan – (2005) - The Exile; Library
Fox, Kathryn – (2010) - Malicious Intent; Paperback
Fradkin, Barbara - (2015) - None So Blind and None So Blind with Spoilers
Frank, Steven B. - (2019) - Class Action and A Differentiated Homework Plan
Fradkin, Barbara - (2015) - None So Blind and None So Blind with Spoilers
Frank, Steven B. - (2019) - Class Action and A Differentiated Homework Plan
Franklin, Ariana – (2007) - Mistress of Death (Second most interesting of 2007 – fiction and non-fiction); (2008) - The Serpent’s Tale; (2009) - Grave Goods; Hardcover
Franklin, Tom - (2014) - Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter
Franklin, Tom - (2014) - Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter
Dear Pope Francis - (2018) - Pope Francis and the Children of the World
Fredrickson, Michael – (2000) - A Cinderella Affidavit; Paperback buy
Freeman, Brian – (2006) – Immoral; (2008) – Stripped; Hardcover
Freeman, Kimberley - (2015) - Evergreen Falls
Freeman, Brian – (2006) – Immoral; (2008) – Stripped; Hardcover
Freeman, Kimberley - (2015) - Evergreen Falls
French, Tana - (2022) - The Searcher; (2025) - The Hunter
Furst, Alan - (2002) - Kingdom of Shadows; (2004) - The Polish Officer; (2010) - Spies in the Balkans; (2012) - Dark Voyage; (2013) - Red Gold (1999); (2013) - Alan Furst's Quiet Heroes; (2014) - Mission to Paris; (2017) - Midnight in Europe; Paperback
Gage, Leighton - (2013) - Blood of the Wicked
Gates, Eva - See Delany, Vicki
Geagley, Brad – (2005) - Year of the Hyenas; Hardcover
Gear, Kathleen and Gear, W. Michael – (2000) - The Visitant; Paperback buy
Ghelfi, Brent – (2007) - Volk’s Game
Giarratano, Leah - (2013) - Vodka Doesn't Freeze
Gilbers, Harald - (2021) - Germania and Berlin Life in Germania
Gimenez, Mark - (2017) - The Color of Law and Legal Representation in The Color of Law
Giolito, Malin Persson - (2019) - Beyond All Reasonable Doubt and Fresh Evidence in Fiction and Real Life
Glauser, Frederich - (2020) - In Matto's Realm
Goldman, Joel - (2002) - Motion to Kill: Paperback
Goldstein, Paul - (2013) - Havana Requiem and Goldstein's reaction on winning the Harper Lee Prize; (2014) - A Patent Lie and Patents and Vaccines and Ethics; (2018) - Errors and Omissions and Review of Errors and Omissions and Paul Goldstein in Reverse
Goodwin, Jason – (2006) - The Janissary Tree; Hardcover
Gordon, Alan – (2001) - Thirteenth Night; at least paperback
Gordon, Alison - (2011) - Prairie Hardball; (2014) - Night Game; (2015) - Alison Gordon has Died; (2016) Safe at Home and A Baseball Coming Out in Mystery Fiction
Grafton, Sue – (2001) - O is for Outlaw; (2002) - P is for Peril; (2003) - Q is for Quarry; (2005) - R is for Ricochet; (2007) - “S” is for Silence; (2009) - "T" is for Trespass; (2011) - "U" is for Undertow; "V" is for Vengeance; (2017) - Thinking About Sue Grafton; Paperback by choice
Gray, John MacLachlan - (2023) - Vile Spirits
Greaves. C. Joseph - (2016) - Tom and Lucky and George and Cokey Flo and George Morton Levy Lawyer
Green, Tim – (2004) - The Letter of the Law; maybe paperback
Green, Tim – (2004) - The Letter of the Law; maybe paperback
Grimsdale, Peter – (2010) - Perfect Night; Paperback
Grippando, James - (2017) - Gone Again
Grisham, John – (2000) - The Brethren; (2001) - A Painted House; (2002) - The Summons; (2003) - The King of Torts; (2004) - The Last Juror; (2005) - The Runaway Jury; (2005) - The Broker; (2008) - The Appeal; (2009) - The Associate; (2011) - The Confession; (2011) - The Litigators; (2012) - "G" is for John Grisham - Part I and Part II; (2013) - The Racketeer; (2013) - Grisham's Lawyers; (2013) - Analyzing Grisham's Lawyers; (2013) - Sycamore Row; (2014) - Gray Mountain and Gray Mountain and Real Life Legal Aid; (2015) - Rogue Lawyer and Sebastian Rudd; (2016) - The Whistler; (2017) - Camino Island; (2017) - The Rooster Bar and Law Students and Integrity; (2019) - The Reckoning; (2019) - Cullen Post in The Guardians and The Guardians; (2020) - A Time for Mercy and Practising Law in Rural Mississippi and Rural Saskatchewan and Writing a Credible Trial; (2021) - Camino Winds; (2022) - The Judge's List; (2022) - The Biloxi Boys and Body Counts in Fictional Gang Wars (Ian Hamilton, John Grisham and Don Winslow); (2023) - The Exchange
Guterson, David - (2016) - Snow Falling on Cedars (1995) and Life in Meskanaw and on San Piedro Island and Race and Ethnicity in War and A Page in the Sun
Habberman, Arthur (2019) - Wild Justice
Hadfield, Chris - (2024) - The Defector
Haig, Brian - (2003) - Mortal Allies; Paperback
Haldane, Sean - (2014) - The Devil's Making
Hall, James W. - (2002) - Body Language; Paperback
Hall, Parnell – (2004) - Puzzled to Death; Maybe paperback
Hamilton, Ian - (2012) - The Water Rat of Wanchai; (2013) - The Disciple of Las Vegas; (2014) - The Wild Beasts of Wuhan; (2014) - The Red Pole of Macau; (2016) - The Scottish Banker of Surabaya; (2018) - The Two Sisters of Borneo; (2019) - The King of Shanghai; (2020) - The Princeling of Nanjing; (2020) - Fate; (2020) - Foresight; (2021) - Fortune; (2022) - Finale; (2022) - Body Counts in Fictional Gang Wars (Ian Hamilton, John Grisham and Don Winslow); (2023) - The Couturier of Milan; (2023) - The Iman of Tawi-Tawi; (2024) - The Goddess of Yantai
Hamilton, Lyn – (2001) - The Xibalba Murders; Paperback
Hamilton, Steve and Evanovich, Janet - (2021) - The Bounty
Hammer, Chris - (2018) - Scrublands and "Why" in Scrublands and Discussing "why" with Chris Hammer
** Harasymchuk, Rob – (2006) - The Joining of Dingo Radish
Harbach, Chad - (2014) - The Art of Fielding and The Art of Baseball Writing and The Art of Fielding
Harbach, Chad - (2014) - The Art of Fielding and The Art of Baseball Writing and The Art of Fielding
Harlick, R.J. – (2010) - Arctic Blue Death; (2014) - Silver Totem of Shame and Totem Carving Shed on Granville Island and Totem Pole Raising and Button Blankets and The Golden Spruce; Paperback
Harper, Jane - (2018) - The Dry (Reviewed by reviewing Bernadette's review) and A Fictional and a Real Life Mass Murder of a Family; (2020) - Force of Nature
Harris, Robert - (2002) - Archangel; (2004) – Pompeii; (2008) - Imperium; (2012) - "H" is for Robert Harris; (2014) - An Officer and a Spy; (2016) - Conclave and The Conclaves of Malachi Martin, Walter Murphy and Robert Harris; (2020) - The Second Sleep; Hardcover or paperback (See also in non-fiction)
Harrison, Cora – (2007) - My Lady Judge; Hardcover or paperback
Harrison, Mike – (2008) - Wild Thing; Paperback
Harrison, Mette Ivie - (2020) - The Bishop's Wife
Hart, Elsa - (2017) - Jade Dragon Mountain
Hart, John – (2006) - The King of Lies; Hardcover or paperback
Hauty, Chris - (2021) - Deep State
Harvey, Michael - (2011) - The Third Rail; Paperback
Hayder, Mo – (2006) - The Devil of Nanking; Well written but horrific
Hayes, Terry - (2014) - I am Pilgrim and Concerns with I Am Pilgrim
Heald, Paul J. - (2017) - Courting Death and Pageant Girls are Law Students and Exchanging Emails on the Plot; (2017) - Cotton
Healey, Judith Koll – (2004) - The Canterbury Papers; Maybe hardcover
Heaney, William (actually Graham Joyce) – (2009) - Memoirs of a Master Forger; Not again
Heider, Elizabeth - (2025) - May the Wolf Die
Helm, Michael - (2017) - Another James and Continuing on Another James and What Makes a Book Crime Fiction? and Michael Helm Discussing After James as Crime Fiction
Helm, Michael - (2017) - Another James and Continuing on Another James and What Makes a Book Crime Fiction? and Michael Helm Discussing After James as Crime Fiction
Helms, E. Michael - (2015) - Deadly Dunes
Henry, Jarad – (2010) - Blood Sunset
Henry, Jarad – (2010) - Blood Sunset
Hewson, David – (2004) - A Season for the Dead; Hardcover or paperback
Hiaasen, Carl – (2010) – Striptease; Paperback
Hicks, Ken and Rothman-Hicks, Anne - (2017) - Weave a Murderous Web
Hill, Reginald – (2007) - The Stranger House; Paperback
Hilton, L.S. - (2019) - Maestra and Conclusions on Maestra
Hirsch, H.N. - (2024) - Rain
Hockensmith, Steve – (2006) - Holmes on the Range; Hardcover
Hoeg, Peter – (2009) - Smilla's Sense of Snow; Possible best of 2009 fiction or most interesting
Hoffman, Jilliane – (2006) - The Last Witness; Hardcover or paperback
Holt, Anne - (2016) - 1222; (2016) - The Lion's Mouth
Horowitz, Anthony - (2018) - The House of Silk; (2018) - Moriarty
Housewright, David - (2011) - Tin City; (2013) - The Taking of Libbie, SD and Connections and Issues with The Taking of Libbie, SD
Huang, Christopher - (2019) - A Gentleman's Murder
Huang, Christopher - (2019) - A Gentleman's Murder
Humphreys, C.C. - (2015) - Plague
Hunt, Andrew - (2016) - A Killing in Zion and Not Prosecuting Polygamy
Hunter, Stephen – (2004) - Hot Springs; (2009) - The 47th Samurai; Hardcover or paperback
Hurley, Graham – (2008) - The Take; Hardcover or paperback
Hurley, S.M. - (2019) - Blackwater Bluff and Sitting in the Dock
Huston, James W. – (2000) - The Price of Power; would not buy
Hyde, Christopher – (2000) - A Gathering of Saints
Hyland, Adrian - (2011) - Gunshot Road
Ide, Joe - (2019) - I.Q.
Iles, Greg – (2000) - The Quiet Game; (2001) - Mortal Fear; (2005) - Blood Memory; (2007) - Turning Angel; (2008) - Third Degree; Paperback or Hardcover
Indridason, Arnaldur – (2005) - Jar City (3rd Most Interesting of 2005 – fiction and non-fiction); (2007) - Silence of the Grave; (2011) - Voices; Paperback by choice
Jackson, Joanne - (2023) - A Snake in the Raspberry Patch
Jackson, Jon A. – (2004) - The Diehard; Paperback
Jakes, John – (2006) – Savannah; Library
James, P.D. – (2000) - A Taste for Death; (2001) - Death in Holy Orders; (2003) - The Black Tower; (2004) - The Murder Room; (2005) - Death of an Expert Witness; (2006) - The Lighthouse; (2008) - The Skull Beneath the Skin; (2009) - The Private Patient; (2009) - Cover Her Face; Always hardcover (See non-fiction as well)
James, Peter – (2010) - Dead Simple; Paperback or hardcover
Jennings, Maureen - (2015) - No Known Grave; (2023) - Heat Wave
Jennings, Maureen - (2015) - No Known Grave; (2023) - Heat Wave
Johnson, Craig – (2007) - The Cold Dish; (Best Fiction of 2007); (2008) - Death Without Company; (2008) - Kindness Goes Unpunished (Third Best Fiction of 2008); (2009) - Another Man’s Moccasins; (2011) - The Dark Horse; (2011) - Junkyard Dogs; (2012) - Hell is Empty; (2013) As the Crow Flies; (2013) - Longmire T.V. Series; (2014) - A Serpent's Tooth; (2015) - Radio in Indigenous Mystery Series; (2015) - Any Other Day; (2015) - Where is the Walt Longmire Series Headed; (2016) - Musings on the 5th Season of Longmire; (2017) - Dry Bones and Is the Largest T-Rex in Saskatchewan?; (2018) - An Obvious Fact; (2019) - The Western Star; (2021) - Depth of Winter; Hardcover
Johnson, Deborah - (2015) - The Secret of Magic and Regina Mary Robichard and Jean Louise "Scout" Finch and Winner of the 2015 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction
Johnstone, D.L. - (2013) - Furies
Jones, Shilo - (2019) - On the Up
Jones, Stan – (2009) - White Sky, Black Ice; (2010) - Shaman Pass; (2012) - "J" is for Stan Jones; (2013) - Frozen Sun; (2013) - Q & A with Stan Jones on Nathan Active and Napoleon "Bony" Bonaparte - Part I and Part II; (2015) - Village of the Ghost Bears; (2015) - Radio in Indigenous Mystery Series; (2016) - Tundra Kill and An Exchange with Stan Jones on Sarah Palin and Helen Mercer and Governor Sarah Palin and Red Parkas; (2020) - The Big Empty (co-written with Patricia Watts); (2021) - Ghost Light (co-written with Patricia Watts); Hardcover
Johnson, Deborah - (2015) - The Secret of Magic and Regina Mary Robichard and Jean Louise "Scout" Finch and Winner of the 2015 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction
Johnstone, D.L. - (2013) - Furies
Jones, Shilo - (2019) - On the Up
Jones, Stan – (2009) - White Sky, Black Ice; (2010) - Shaman Pass; (2012) - "J" is for Stan Jones; (2013) - Frozen Sun; (2013) - Q & A with Stan Jones on Nathan Active and Napoleon "Bony" Bonaparte - Part I and Part II; (2015) - Village of the Ghost Bears; (2015) - Radio in Indigenous Mystery Series; (2016) - Tundra Kill and An Exchange with Stan Jones on Sarah Palin and Helen Mercer and Governor Sarah Palin and Red Parkas; (2020) - The Big Empty (co-written with Patricia Watts); (2021) - Ghost Light (co-written with Patricia Watts); Hardcover
Juby, Susan - (2022) - Mindful of Murder and Butlers in Fiction and Real Life and Exchange with Susan; (2024) - A Meditation on Murder and Susan Juby's Butler
Jurczyk, Eva - (2024) - The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections and The Plantin Polyglot Bible in Fiction
Kahn, Michael A. – (2004) – Bearing Witness; Paperback preferably
Kamal, Sheena - (2019) - The Lost Ones and Detecting Deception
Kanon, Joseph – (2004) - The Good German; (2012) - "K" is for Joseph Kanon; (2024) - Shanghai; Hardcover
Kellerman, Faye – (2000) - Jupiter’s Bones; (2003) - Stalker; (2003) The Forgotten; (2005) - Stone Kiss; (2006) - Street Dreams; Hardcover or paperback
Kellough, Janet - (2017) - Wishful Seeing
Kamal, Sheena - (2019) - The Lost Ones and Detecting Deception
Kanon, Joseph – (2004) - The Good German; (2012) - "K" is for Joseph Kanon; (2024) - Shanghai; Hardcover
Kellerman, Faye – (2000) - Jupiter’s Bones; (2003) - Stalker; (2003) The Forgotten; (2005) - Stone Kiss; (2006) - Street Dreams; Hardcover or paperback
Kellough, Janet - (2017) - Wishful Seeing
Kennealy, Jerry – (2000) - The Conductor
Kent, Winona - (2024) - Bad Boy
Kerley, Jack – (2006) - The Hundredth Man; Hardcover or paperback
Kernick, Simon – (2008) - The Business of Dying; Paperback
Kerr, Philip – (2004) - Dark Matter; (2016) - March Violets; (2016) - The Pale Criminal; (2016) - A German Requiem; (2016) - Berlin Police and the Holocaust - Part I and Part II; (2016) - Comparing Serial Killers in Three Totalitarian States; (2023) - The One From the Other; (2023) - A Quiet Flame; (2024) - If the Dead Rise Not; Paperback
Kernick, Simon – (2008) - The Business of Dying; Paperback
Kerr, Philip – (2004) - Dark Matter; (2016) - March Violets; (2016) - The Pale Criminal; (2016) - A German Requiem; (2016) - Berlin Police and the Holocaust - Part I and Part II; (2016) - Comparing Serial Killers in Three Totalitarian States; (2023) - The One From the Other; (2023) - A Quiet Flame; (2024) - If the Dead Rise Not; Paperback
Khoury, Raymond – (2006) - The Last Templar; Paperback
Kinberg, Margot - (2011) - Publish or Perish
King, Laurie R. – (2000) - Night Work; (2000) - O Jerusalem; (2001) – Folly; (2002) - Justice Hall; (2004) - The Game; (2006) - The Art of Detection; (2009) - The Language of Bees; Hardcover
King, Thomas - (2019) - DreadfulWater and The Humour of Thomas King; (2021) - Indians on Vacation and Following Indians on Vacation in Europe; (2021) - Obsidian; (2023) - Deep House
Kingsmill, Peter - (2019) - Sunset at 20:47
* Kipling, Rudyard – (2004) – Kim; a timeless classic
Kitchin, Rob - (2012) - The Rule Book; (2013) - Stiffed
Klempner, Joseph T. - (2012) - Felony Murder
Kneubuhl, Victoria Nalani - (2013) - Murder Leaves Its Mark
Kitchin, Rob - (2012) - The Rule Book; (2013) - Stiffed
Klempner, Joseph T. - (2012) - Felony Murder
Kneubuhl, Victoria Nalani - (2013) - Murder Leaves Its Mark
Koryta, Michael – (2006) - Tonight I Said Goodbye; Hardcover or paperback
Krueger, William Kent - (2022) - Iron Lake
Kwan, Kevin - (2019) - Crazy Rich Asians and China Rich Girlfriend and Rich People Problems; (2024) Lies and Weddings and The Dress That Stole the Wedding in Lies and Weddings and The Clothes in Books Blog Awards
Lagercrantz, David - (2015) - The Girl in the Spider's Web (see Stieg Larsson)
Lamothe, Lee - (2014) - Presto Variations
Lancet, Barry - (2013) - Japantown; (2013) - New and Old Japanese Secret Fighters; (2015) - Tokyo Kill; (2015) - Sengai - Monk and Artist in Tokyo Kill
Landay, William - (2014) - Defending Jacob
Kwan, Kevin - (2019) - Crazy Rich Asians and China Rich Girlfriend and Rich People Problems; (2024) Lies and Weddings and The Dress That Stole the Wedding in Lies and Weddings and The Clothes in Books Blog Awards
Lagercrantz, David - (2015) - The Girl in the Spider's Web (see Stieg Larsson)
Lamothe, Lee - (2014) - Presto Variations
Lancet, Barry - (2013) - Japantown; (2013) - New and Old Japanese Secret Fighters; (2015) - Tokyo Kill; (2015) - Sengai - Monk and Artist in Tokyo Kill
Landay, William - (2014) - Defending Jacob
Lang, Cam - (2021) - The Concrete Vineyard
Lardo, Vincent (Lawrence Sanders is deceased) – (2000) McNally’s Folly
Larsgaard, Chris – (2000) - The Heir Hunter; paperback
Larsson, Asa - (2012) - Sunstorm
* Larsson, Stieg – (2009) - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo; (2009) - The Girl Who Played with Fire; (Best of Fiction for 2009) (2010) - The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest; (2015) - Stieg Larsson's Literary Legacy and Swedish Inheritance Law; (See David Lagercrantz) Hardcover
Lawton, John - (2019) - Friends and Traitors and I Was Wondering Moira
Le Carré, John – (2000) - Single & Single; (2001) - The Constant Gardner (Second best fiction of 2001); (2005) - Absolute Friends (Best fiction in 2005); (2008) - Mission Song; (2009) – A Most Wanted Man; (2016) - A Quartet of John Le Carré; (2016) - The Night Manager and The Writing of and Reaction to The Night Manager and The New Night Manager T.V. Series; (2020) - Agent Running in the Field
Lee, Harper - (2013) - To Kill a Mockingbird (1960); (2015) - Go Set a Watchman review for Blogger Tour
Legault, Stephen - (2013) - The Third Riel Conspiracy
Lehane, Dennis – (2003) - Mystic River; Paperback to see if other novels are less black
Levien, David - (2015) - Signature Kill and Reaction, Not Review, to Signature Kill and Should We Ask "Why" About Serial Killers?
Levine, Paul – (2006) - Solomon v. Lord; (2009) - The Deep Blue Alibi; (2011) - Kill All the Lawyers; (2102) - "L" is for Paul Levine; (2014) - Trial & Error; Hardcover or paperback
Lind, Hailey – (2006) - Feint of Art; Paperback
Liss, David - (2003) - Conspiracy of Paper; (2004) - The Coffee Trader; Maybe hardcover
Little, Darwin - (2019) - The Mica
Locke, Attica - (2016) - Pleasantville; (2017) - Black Water Rising and Wishing I had Read the Books in Order; (2018) - Bluebird, Bluebird and The First Black Texas Ranger in Real Life and Fiction; (2019) - Heaven, My Home
Loomis, Jon – (2010) - High Season; Paperback
Little, Darwin - (2019) - The Mica
Locke, Attica - (2016) - Pleasantville; (2017) - Black Water Rising and Wishing I had Read the Books in Order; (2018) - Bluebird, Bluebird and The First Black Texas Ranger in Real Life and Fiction; (2019) - Heaven, My Home
Loomis, Jon – (2010) - High Season; Paperback
Lourey, Jess - (2014) - December Dread; (2014) - Minnesota Nice and Saskatchewan Polite
* Ludlum, Robert - (2002) - The Bourne Identity (have all the early books) The Paris Option (co-written with Gayle Lynds); stay with earlier books
Lynch, Lindsay - (2023) - Do Tell
Lynds, Gayle - (2002) - The Paris Option (co-written with Robert Ludlum)
MacDonald, Janice - (2015) - Another Margaret and Q & A; (2017) - Hang Down Your Head and Shopping Perfection; (2018) - The Eye of the Beholder and Puerto Vallarta in The Eye of the Beholder and Exchange with Janice on The Eye of the Beholder
MacDonald, John D. – (2004) - The Deep Blue Good-by; (2004) - Nightmare in Pink; (2005) A Purple Place for Dying; (2005) The Quick Red Fox; (2006) - A Deadly Shade of Gold; (2006) - Bright Orange for the Shroud; (2007) - Darker Than Amber; (2007) - One Fearful Yellow Eye; (2012) - Pale Gray for Guilt; (Travis McGee by John D. MacDonald - The best mystery series)
Macdonald, Lyn (Editor) - (2011) - Anthem for Doomed Youth
Macdonald, Marianne – (2000) - Ghost Walk; used buy
MacNeal, Susan Elia - (2025) - Mr. Churchill's Secretary
Major, Kevin - (2022) - Three for Trinity
Mallo, Ernesto - (2012) - Needle in a Haystack
Mallo, Ernesto - (2012) - Needle in a Haystack
*Mankell, Henning – (2003) - Faceless Killers; (2004) - The Dogs of Riga; (2005) - The White Lioness; (2006) – Sidetracked (Best fiction of 2006); (2006) - The Fifth Woman; (2007) - One Step Behind (3rd best Fiction of 2007); (2008) – Firewall; (2009) - Before the Frost; (2010) - The Pyramid; (2012) - The Troubled Man; Paperback by Choice
Mantel, Hilary – (2010) - Wolf Hall; Hardcover
Maron, Margaret - (2002) - Uncommon Clay; Paperback
Marsons, Angela - (2024) - Silent Scream and Kim Stone and Harry Bosch
Martel, John - (2014) - Billy Strobe
Martin, Barbara - (2014) - The Hero of Hopewell Hill and My Personal Connection to Bennett Jones
Martin, Malachi – (2005) – Vatican (2nd Most interesting of 2005 – fiction and non-fiction)
Martin, Mike - (2024) - Too Close for Comfort
Martini, Steve – (2000) - The Attorney; (2005) - Double Tap; Hardcover
Masur, Harold Q. - (2014) - Bury Me Deep and Harold Q. Masur - Hard Boiled Lawyers
Massey, Sujata - (2019) - The Widows of Malabar Hill and A First Woman Lawyer to be Admired; (2019) - The Satapur Moonstone and Parsi Gara Saris in the Mistry Mysteries; (2022) - The Bombay Prince; (2023) - The Mistress of Bhatia House and Being Seen in Court
Matsumoto, Seicho – (2008) - Inspector Imanishi Investigates; (2012) - "M" is for Seicho Matsumoto; Hardcover or paperback
Masur, Harold Q. - (2014) - Bury Me Deep and Harold Q. Masur - Hard Boiled Lawyers
Massey, Sujata - (2019) - The Widows of Malabar Hill and A First Woman Lawyer to be Admired; (2019) - The Satapur Moonstone and Parsi Gara Saris in the Mistry Mysteries; (2022) - The Bombay Prince; (2023) - The Mistress of Bhatia House and Being Seen in Court
Matsumoto, Seicho – (2008) - Inspector Imanishi Investigates; (2012) - "M" is for Seicho Matsumoto; Hardcover or paperback
Matthews, Jason - (2013) - Red Sparrow and Recipes and Menus in Spy Thrillers; (2015) - Palace of Treason and Vladimir Putin in Spy Fiction and Libel (Part I and Part II and Part III); (2018) - The Kremlin's Candidate; (2018) - The Movie Red Sparrow
Mattich, Alen - (2015) - Killing Pilgrim and Who Killed Olof Palme?; (2016) - The Heart of Hell
Matturro, Claire – (2008) - Skinny-Dipping; (2008) - Wildcat Wine; (2009) - Bone Valley; (2017) - Sweetheart Deal; Hardcover
May, Peter - (2003) - Snakehead; (2014) - The Blackhouse; (2014) - The Lewis Man; (2015) - The Chessmen; Bookmark Inspiration for the Outer Hebrides; (2020) - Firemaker; (2020) - The Fourth Sacrifice; Maybe paperback
Maxim, John R. - (2003) - Mosaic; Paperback (Try Bannerman)
McBain, Ed – (2000) – Tricks; (2001) – Ice; (2001) - 8 Black Horses; (2002) - Hail, Hail the Gang's All Here!; 87th Precinct always worth buying
McCarry, Charles - (2012) - Secret Lovers (1977)
McIlvanney, Liam - (2018) - The Quaker
McLachlin, Beverley - (2018) - Full Disclosure and Full Disclosure Within Full Disclosure; (2024) - Denial and The Law in Denial and What Would You Do If a Suffering Loved One Asked You to Kill Him/Her?
McClosky, David - (2024) - Damascus Station
Mead, Tom - (2023) - Death and the Conjuror and Hercule Poirot Discusses Tom Mead's Sleuths Joseph Spector and George Flint and (2024) - The Murder Wheel and Rumpole of the Bailey on The Murder Wheel
Meltzer, Brad - (2002) - The Millionaires; Paperback
Methos, Victor - (2020) - The Hallows
Meyer, Deon – (2010) - Blood Safari; (2012) - Trackers; (2012) - Questions and Answers with Deon Meyer (Trackers); (2012) - Seven Days; Paperback
Miller, Derek B. - (2014) - Norwegian by Night
** Miller, Scott Gregory – (2008) – Silence Invites the Dead; (2017) - Black Thursday and Miners Tombstone in Bienfait; Hardcover or Paperback
Minns, Eric - (2104) - Who Killed Sir Harry
Mishani, D.A. - (2014) - The Missing File
Mistry, Rohinton – (2009) - A Fine Balance
Mitchell, David - (2011) - The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet
Mofina, Rick – (2003) - No Way Back; Hardcover or paperback
Monday, T.T. - (2016) - Double Switch (Part I) and (Part II)
Moore, Graham - (2011) - The Sherlockian and Email Exchange with Graham Moore, Author of The Sherlockian on Self-Garroting; (2017) - Last Days of Night and Paul Cravath; (2024) - The Wealth of Shadows; Hardcover
Moran, Michelle - (2016) - Mata Hari's Last Dance - Appearance and Historical Errors and Mata Hari and Alfred Dreyfus - Parallel Injustice
Morgan, Jessica and Cocks, Heather - (2021) - The Royal We
Morrissey, Donna - (2017) - The Fortunate Brother and Sharing Grief in Small Town Canada
Munro, Alice - (2022) - My Best Stories; A Close Look at an Alice Munro Story
* Murphy, Dennis Richard – (2009) - Darkness at the Stroke of Noon
Munro, Alice - (2022) - My Best Stories; A Close Look at an Alice Munro Story
* Murphy, Dennis Richard – (2009) - Darkness at the Stroke of Noon
Murphy, Walter F. – (2001) and (2018) - The Vicar of Christ and An American Pope Francesco
Nabb, Magdalen - (2024) - Death of an Englishman
Nay, Roz - (2021) - Hurry Home and The Settings in Hurry Home
Nesbo, Jo – (2006) - The Devil’s Star; (2014) The Bat; (2014) - Cockroaches; (2014) - Thoughts on the Trio of Harry Hole Books; Hardcover or paperback
Nesbo, Jo – (2006) - The Devil’s Star; (2014) The Bat; (2014) - Cockroaches; (2014) - Thoughts on the Trio of Harry Hole Books; Hardcover or paperback
Nesser, Hakan – (2007) - Borkmann’s Point; Hardcover or paperback
Neville, Stuart - (2011) - The Ghosts of Belfast; (2012) - "N" is for Stuart Neville; (2015) - Collusion and Double Digit Body Counts
Neznansky, Fridrikh - (2006) - Red Square (co-authored by Edward Topol)
Nicol, Susan - (2019) - Sagas and Sea Smoke and A Viking Ship Evokes Memories of Ancestors 1,000 Years Ago
Niemann, Michael - (2017) - Legitimate Business
North, Suzanne - (2013) - Healthy, Wealthy & Dead (1994); (2014) - Bones to Pick (2003)
Nunn, Malla - (2012) - Blessed are the Dead
Ohlsson, Kristina - (2016) - Hostage and Hostage and Real Life
Olsen, Gregg – (2007) - A Wicked Snow; "O" is for Gregg Olsen
Orczy, Baroness - (2020) - The Old Man in the Corner - The Teahouse Detective and A Case Study from The Old Man in the Corner and Hercule Poirot and Nero Wolfe Discuss the Old Man in the Corner
Osman, Richard - (2023) - The Thursday Murder Club
Paretsky, Sara - (2002) - Total Recall; (2004) - Blacklist; (2005) – Fire Sale; (2009) – Hardball; (2010) - Body Work; Hardcover
Nunn, Malla - (2012) - Blessed are the Dead
Ohlsson, Kristina - (2016) - Hostage and Hostage and Real Life
Olsen, Gregg – (2007) - A Wicked Snow; "O" is for Gregg Olsen
Orczy, Baroness - (2020) - The Old Man in the Corner - The Teahouse Detective and A Case Study from The Old Man in the Corner and Hercule Poirot and Nero Wolfe Discuss the Old Man in the Corner
Osman, Richard - (2023) - The Thursday Murder Club
Paretsky, Sara - (2002) - Total Recall; (2004) - Blacklist; (2005) – Fire Sale; (2009) – Hardball; (2010) - Body Work; Hardcover
* Parker, Robert B. – (2000) - Hush Money; (2001) - Hugger Mugger; (2004) – Potshot; (2005) - Back Story; (2005) – Widow’s Walk; (2006) - Bad Business; (2007) - Cold Service; Paperback
Parker, T. Jefferson – (2001) - Red Light; (2007) Cold Pursuit; (2010) - L.A. Outlaws; (2011) - Silent Joe; Hardcover or paperback
Parry, Owen - (2002) - Faded Coat of Blue; Hardcover
Pasquella, A.G. - (2019) - Yard Dog
Pattison, Eliot - (2020) - The Skull Mantra - Begun and Finished and Tibetan Demon Masks
Pasquella, A.G. - (2019) - Yard Dog
Pattison, Eliot - (2020) - The Skull Mantra - Begun and Finished and Tibetan Demon Masks
Patterson, James – (2001) - Roses are Red; Not a buy
Pearson, Ridley – (2001) - Middle of Nowhere; Paperback
Pelecanos, George P. – (2000) - Sweet Forever; Very dark; well written; not sure would buy again
Penny, Louise – (2005) - Still Life; (2006) - Dead Cold (Tied for 3rd Best fiction of 2006); (2007) - The Cruelest Month; (2009) - The Murder Stone (Tied for 4th Best fiction of 2009); (2010) - The Brutal Telling; (2011) - Bury Your Dead (Best Fiction of 2011); (2011) - A Trick of the Light; (2012) - The Beautiful Mystery (Part I) and The Beautiful Mystery (Part II); (2013) - "P" is for Louise Penny - Movie Producer and Review of the Movie of Still Life; (2013) - How the Light Gets In; (2014) - The Long Way Home; (2014) - The Armand Gamache Series after 10 Mysteries - Part I and Part II; (2015) - The Nature of the Beast (Part I) and The Nature of the Beast (Part II); (2016) - A Great Reckoning - The Academy and Comparisons and The Map; (2016) - Louise Penny and Michael Whitehead Holding Hands; (2017) - Glass Houses - Happiness and Unhappiness and Getting the Law Wrong; (2019) - Kingdom of the Blind and Irreconcilable Dispositions; (2019) - A Better Man; (2020) - All the Devils are Here and Relationship Restaurants in Fiction and Real Life and Reading of the Marais Simultaneously; (2021) - The Madness of Crowds and Responding to Evil and Considering "People"; (2021) - Three Pines - The Amazon Prime Series; (2022) - Season One of Three Pines; (2023) - A World of Curiosities and Do You Believe in Goodness; (2023) - Surprise Cancellation of Three Pines Series; Hardcover
Penny, Louise – (2005) - Still Life; (2006) - Dead Cold (Tied for 3rd Best fiction of 2006); (2007) - The Cruelest Month; (2009) - The Murder Stone (Tied for 4th Best fiction of 2009); (2010) - The Brutal Telling; (2011) - Bury Your Dead (Best Fiction of 2011); (2011) - A Trick of the Light; (2012) - The Beautiful Mystery (Part I) and The Beautiful Mystery (Part II); (2013) - "P" is for Louise Penny - Movie Producer and Review of the Movie of Still Life; (2013) - How the Light Gets In; (2014) - The Long Way Home; (2014) - The Armand Gamache Series after 10 Mysteries - Part I and Part II; (2015) - The Nature of the Beast (Part I) and The Nature of the Beast (Part II); (2016) - A Great Reckoning - The Academy and Comparisons and The Map; (2016) - Louise Penny and Michael Whitehead Holding Hands; (2017) - Glass Houses - Happiness and Unhappiness and Getting the Law Wrong; (2019) - Kingdom of the Blind and Irreconcilable Dispositions; (2019) - A Better Man; (2020) - All the Devils are Here and Relationship Restaurants in Fiction and Real Life and Reading of the Marais Simultaneously; (2021) - The Madness of Crowds and Responding to Evil and Considering "People"; (2021) - Three Pines - The Amazon Prime Series; (2022) - Season One of Three Pines; (2023) - A World of Curiosities and Do You Believe in Goodness; (2023) - Surprise Cancellation of Three Pines Series; Hardcover
Perry, Anne – (2001) - Slaves of Obsession; (2003) - Death of a Stranger; (2005) - The Shifting Tide; Paperback
Perry, Thomas – (2000) - Blood Money; (2001) - Death Benefit; (2003) - Dead Aim; Maybe Hardcover
Petrou, Laurie - (2019) - Sister of Mine
Phillips, Edward O. – (2007) - Buried on Sunday (Most interesting of 2007); "P" is for Edward O. Phillips
Picoult, Jodi - (2017) - Small Great Things and Small Great Things Continued
Pitt, Steve - (2016) - The Wail of the Wendigo
Porter, C.S. - (2022) - Beneath Her Skin
Porter, Henry - (2003) - A Spy's Life; (2004) - Empire State (Tied for third Best fiction in 2004); (2004) – Remembrance Day; (2005) – Brandenburg; (2009) - The Dying Light; (2021) - The Old Enemy and Changing The Old Enemy;Hardcover
Polk, C.L. - (2019) - Witchmark
Prentice, Bill = (2019) - Why was Rachel Murdered?
Perry, Thomas – (2000) - Blood Money; (2001) - Death Benefit; (2003) - Dead Aim; Maybe Hardcover
Petrou, Laurie - (2019) - Sister of Mine
Phillips, Edward O. – (2007) - Buried on Sunday (Most interesting of 2007); "P" is for Edward O. Phillips
Picoult, Jodi - (2017) - Small Great Things and Small Great Things Continued
Pitt, Steve - (2016) - The Wail of the Wendigo
Porter, C.S. - (2022) - Beneath Her Skin
Porter, Henry - (2003) - A Spy's Life; (2004) - Empire State (Tied for third Best fiction in 2004); (2004) – Remembrance Day; (2005) – Brandenburg; (2009) - The Dying Light; (2021) - The Old Enemy and Changing The Old Enemy;Hardcover
Polk, C.L. - (2019) - Witchmark
Prentice, Bill = (2019) - Why was Rachel Murdered?
Pullen, Rick - (2018) - Naked Truth
Quarrington, Paul – (2008) - King Leary
Quick, Matthew - (2013) - The Silver Linings Playbook
Quinn, Tara Taylor - (2013) - In Plain Sight
Raffel, Keith – (2009) - dot.dead; "R" is for Keith Raffel; Hardcover or paperback
Rankin, Ian - (2002) - Knots and Crosses; (2003) - Hide & Seek; (2004) - Tooth and Nail; (2004) - A Good Hanging and other stories; (2005) - Strip Jack; Paperback by choice
Redhill Michael - See his Pseudonym, Inger AshWolfe, for books written under the name of Wolfe and posts about the Pseudonym
Reich, Christopher – (2000) - The Runner; (2002) - The First Billion; (2007) - The Patriots Club; (2010) - Rules of Betrayal; maybe Hardcover
Reichs, Kathy – (2000) - Deadly Decisions; (2002) - Fatal Voyage; (2004) - Grave Secrets; (2004) - Bare Bones; (2006) - Monday Mourning; (2006) - Cross Bones; (2022) - Cold Cold Bones; Hardcover or paperback
Rendon, Marcie R. - (2022) - Murder on the Red River
Rimington, Stella – (2005) - At Risk; (2007) - Secret Asset; (2009) - Illegal Action; Paperback
Ripley, Nathan = (2019) - Find You in the Dark
Rimington, Stella – (2005) - At Risk; (2007) - Secret Asset; (2009) - Illegal Action; Paperback
Ripley, Nathan = (2019) - Find You in the Dark
Robbins, David L. – (2004) - Last Citadel; Paperback
Robertson, Michael - (2012) - The Baker Street Letters
Robertson, Michael - (2012) - The Baker Street Letters
Roncagliolo, Santiago – (2010) - Red April (Possible best of 2010)
Roosevelt, Kermit – (2007) - In the Shadow of the Law; (2016) - Allegiance - Enjoyed v. Disliked; Hardcover
Rosenberg, Nancy Taylor – (2005) - Sullivan’s Law; Paperback
Rosenfelt, David – (2004) - Bury the Lead; Paperback
Rotenberg, David - (2012) - The Placebo Effect; (2012) - Questions and Answers; (2013) - A Murder of Crows; (2014) - The Glass House
Rotenberg, Robert – (2011) - Old City Hall; (2011) - The Guilty Plea; (2012) - Stray Bullets; (2012) - "R" is for Robert Rotenberg; (2013) - Stranglehold; (2017) - Heart of the City and Lawyers Hate to Lose and The Unknown Children of Ari Greene, Travis McGee and Harry Bosch; (2021) - Downfall; (2024) - What We Buried
Rowling, J.K. - (2002) - Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Second best fiction of 2002) (2004) - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Paperback by choice
Rustad, Phil - (2013) -Alamo, North Dakota
Ryan, Desmond P. - (2019) - 10-33
Ryan, Gary - (2019) - The Lucky Elephant Restaurant
Ryan, Rob – (2004) – Underdogs; Hardcover
Ryan, William - (2012) - The Holy Thief
Sáenz, Eva Garcia and translated by Nick Caistor - (2022) - The Silence of the White City; (2023) - The Water Rituals and Broca's Aphasia in The Water Rituals; (2024) The Lords of Time
Safarik, Allan - (2015) - Swedes' Ferry and The Pinkerton's and Old Bill Miner
St. James, Simone - (2014) - An Inquiry into Love and Death and Prejudice in Reading Romantic Suspense
St. James, Simone - (2014) - An Inquiry into Love and Death and Prejudice in Reading Romantic Suspense
Sandford, John – (2001) - The Devil’s Code; at least Paperback
Sansom, C.J. – (2003) – Dissolution; Paperback
Sansom, C.J. – (2003) – Dissolution; Paperback
Santora, Nick - (2013) - Slip & Fall
Schmeiser, Douglas – (2010) - A Settling of Accounts
Scottoline, Lisa – (2004) - Dead Ringer; (2018) - Exposed; Maybe hardcover
Sears, Michael - (2023) - Black Fridays
See, Lisa – (2009) - Flower Net; (2024) - Shanghai Girls; Hardcover or paperback
See, Lisa – (2009) - Flower Net; (2024) - Shanghai Girls; Hardcover or paperback
Seranella, Barbara – (2000) - No Human Involved; Paperback
Shaffer, Mary Ann – (2009) The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society with Annie Barrows (Second most interesting of 2009)
Sharp, Zoe – (2003) - Killer Instinct; Paperback
Shaw, William - (2018) - The Lords of London
Shelby, Jeff – (2006) - Killer Swell; Hardcover or paperback
Shaw, William - (2018) - The Lords of London
Shelby, Jeff – (2006) - Killer Swell; Hardcover or paperback
Shelstad, Sam - (2023) - Citizens of Light
Shoham, Liad - (2014) - Lineup (translated by Sarah Kitai) and It is Hard to Write Crime Fiction Set in Israel
Shreve, Craig - (2023) - The African Samurai
Shrier, Howard – (2010) - Buffalo Jump: (2013) - High Chicago; (2014) - Miss Montreal and Social and Cultural Issues in Miss Montreal; Paperback
Siegel, Sheldon – (2001) - Special Circumstances; Paperback
Siemens, J.T. - (2022) - To Those Who Killed Me and Exchange with Jeremy and Codicils in Fiction and Real Life; (2024) - Call of the Void and Exchange with Jeremy
Silbert, Leslie – (2004) - The Intelligencer; Hardcover maybe
Sigurdardottir, Yrsa - (2011) - Last Rituals
Silva, Daniel – (2000) - The Marching Season; (2001) - The Kill Artist; (2003) - The Confessor; (2009) – The Secret Servant; (2020) - The English Girl; possible Hardcover
Simenon, Georges – (2011) - The Premier
Simon, Michael – (2009) - Little Faith
Sinnett, Mark - (2011) - The Border Guards
Skorvecky, Josef - (2011) - The Miracle Game; Book Reviews in Communist Countries and Book Blogs Today
Smith, Alexander McCall – (2004) - The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency (Best fiction in 2004); (2020) - The Department of Sensitive Crimes
Smith, Brad – (2003) - One-Eyed Jacks; Paperback
Smith, Martin Cruz – (2006) - Wolves Eat Dogs (2nd Most interesting of 2006 – fiction and non-fiction); (2007) - Stalin’s Ghost; (2021) - Three Stations; Hardcover
Smith, Martin Cruz – (2006) - Wolves Eat Dogs (2nd Most interesting of 2006 – fiction and non-fiction); (2007) - Stalin’s Ghost; (2021) - Three Stations; Hardcover
Smith, Tom Rob – (2010) - Child 44; (2016) - Comparing Serial Killers in Three Totalitarian States; Hardcover (Possible Best of ____)
Smith, Timothy J. - (2019) - The Fourth Courier
Smith, Wilbur – (2000) - A Time to Die; (2000) - The Roar of Thunder; (2000) – Monsoon; (2000) - Powers of the Sword; (2001) – Warlock; (2003) - Cry Wolf; (2004) – Golden Fox; (2006) - Blue Horizon; Hardcover or Paperback
Spencer-Fleming, Julia – (2004) - In the Bleak Midwinter; Paperback or hardcover
Spring, Michelle – (2008) - The Night Lawyer; Maybe paperback
Staalesen, Gunnar - (2012) - Writing on the Wall
Stapley, Marissa - (2020) - The Last Resort
Steinhauer, Olen – (2009) - The Tourist; (2010) - The Nearest Exit; (2013) - An American Spy; (2017) - The Cairo Affair; Hardcover
Stephenson, Neal - (2002) - Cryptonomicon; Hardcover or paperback (Third best fiction of 2002)
Stock, Jon – (2009) - Dead Spy Running; Paperback
Stockwin, Julian - (2002) Kydd; (2003) Artemis; Hardcover or paperback
Stone, Nick - (2011) - Mr. Clarinet
Storey, Erik - (2016) - Nothing Short of Dying
Stone, Nick - (2011) - Mr. Clarinet
Storey, Erik - (2016) - Nothing Short of Dying
* Stout, Rex – (2005) - Fer-der-Lance (The classic Nero Wolfe / Archie Goodwin series); (2005) - Murder by the Book; (2005) - Death of a Dude; (2020) - Death Times Three
Straley, John - (2019) - The Woman Who Married a Bear and Maureen's Reply; (2020) - The Curious Eat Themselves and Clothes in The Curious Eat Themselves
Sussman, Paul – (2006) - The Secret of the Temple; Hardcover or paperback
Sveistrup, Søren - (2019) - The Chestnut Man and Danish Chestnut Dolls in Fiction and Real Life
Swain, James - (2018) - Take Down
Sveistrup, Søren - (2019) - The Chestnut Man and Danish Chestnut Dolls in Fiction and Real Life
Swain, James - (2018) - Take Down
Tallo, Katie - (2020) - Dark August
Temple, Peter – (2008) - An Iron Rose; (2009) - Bad Debts; Paperback by choice
Thomas, Donald - (2010) - The Execution of Sherlock Holmes; (2012) - "T" is for Donald Serrell Thomas; (2013) - Sherlock Holmes and the King's Evil; (2013) - Death on a Pale Horse
Thomas, Donald - (2010) - The Execution of Sherlock Holmes; (2012) - "T" is for Donald Serrell Thomas; (2013) - Sherlock Holmes and the King's Evil; (2013) - Death on a Pale Horse
* Thomas, Ross – (2004) – Briarpatch; Paperback (Second Best fiction in 2004)
Thomas, Will – (2004) - Some Danger Involved; Hardcover or paperback
Thomason, Dustin – (2004) - The Rule of Four (co-authored by Ian Caldwell); Maybe Hardcover
Thompson, James - (2011) - Snow Angels
Tobisman, C.E. - (2018) - Proof
Todd, Charles – (2000) - Legacy of the Dead; (2002) - Watchers of Time and Fearsome Doubt; (2005) - A Cold Treachery; (2006) - A Long Shadow; (2008) - A False Mirror; (2010) - A Duty to the Dead; Paperback
Toews, J.G. - (2019) - Give Out Creek
Topol, Alan – (2004) - Spy Dance; not a purchase
Topol, Edward - (2003) - Red Snow; Hardcover (Third best fiction of 2003); (2006) - Red Square (co-authored by Fridrikh Neznansky)
Trinchieri, Camilla - (2022) - Murder in Chianti; (2022) - Local Food Experiences in Crime Fiction and Real Life
Turow, Scott – (2000) - Personal Injuries (Third best fiction of 2000); (2003) - Reversible Errors (Tied for the best fiction in 2003); (2007) - Ordinary Heroes; (2011) - Innocent; (2012) - One L (My Review) and One L (Michael Selnes review) and Thoughts on Reviews of One L by Myself and Michael; (2014) - Identical; (2018) - Testimony and Lawyers and Opportunities in International Criminal Courts; (2020) - The Last Trial - Opening and Mid-Trial and Closing; (2024) - Suspect; Hardcover
Tursten, Helene - (2012) - Detective Inspector Huss (1998)
Twining, James – (2005) - The Double Eagle; Paperback
Upfield, Arthur - (2011) - Cake in the Hat Box; (2011) - The Widows of Broome (2011) - "U" is for Arthur Upfield; (2011) - The Bushman Who Came Back; (2012) - The Will of the Tribe; (2012) - The Battling Prophet; (2012) - "U" is for Arthur W. Upfield; (2013) - The Bone is Pointed; (2013) - Q & A with Stan Jones on Nathan Active and Napoleon "Bony" Bonaparte - Part I and Part II; (2013) - "U" is for Death of a Swagman (1945); (2015) - Death of a Lake; (2015) - The Clue of the New Shoe (1952) and Split Point Lighthouse
Vanderhaeghe, Guy - (2024) - August Into Winter and Rural Life in Saskatchewan Through Crime Fiction and Real Life Murder in Esterhazy and Guy Vanderhaeghe's Fictional Account
van Gulik, Robert – (2005) - The Chinese Gold Murders; Paperback (Most interesting of 2005 – fiction and non-fiction)
Vanderhaeghe, Guy - (2024) - August Into Winter and Rural Life in Saskatchewan Through Crime Fiction and Real Life Murder in Esterhazy and Guy Vanderhaeghe's Fictional Account
van Gulik, Robert – (2005) - The Chinese Gold Murders; Paperback (Most interesting of 2005 – fiction and non-fiction)
Van Rooy, Michael - (2011) - An Ordinary Decent Criminal; (2012) - "V" is for Michael Van Rooy
Varga, Emily - (2025) - For She is Wrath and Revenge in For She is Wrath
Vasas-Brown, Cathy – (2004) - Every Wickedness; Hardcover
Verdon, John – (2010) - Think of a Numb3r; Hardcover
Vernon, P.J. - (2019) - Where You Find Me
Volpi, Jorge - (2012) - In Search of Klingsor; (2012) - Changing World War II Atomic Research for the Story
Von Schirach, Ferdinand - (2014) - The Collini Case Without Spoilers and With Spoilers
Walker, David J. - (2002) - A Beer at a Bawdy House; maybe library
Walker, Martin - (2019) - Bruno, Chief of Police and The Magic of St. Denis and Three Pines; (2023) - The Dark Vineyard; (2024) Black Diamond and The Crowded Grave
Walsh, Alice - (2022) - Death on Darby's Island
Walsh, Louise – (2006) - The Cutting Room
Walter, Jess – (2006) - Over Tumbled Graves; (2008) - Citizen Vince; (2010) – The Financial Lives of the Poets; Hardcover
Walter, Jess – (2006) - Over Tumbled Graves; (2008) - Citizen Vince; (2010) – The Financial Lives of the Poets; Hardcover
Ward, Sarah - (2024) - In Bitter Chill
**Warren, Dianne - (2014) - Cool Water
Waterhouse, Anna and Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem - (2020) - Mycroft
Webster, Jason - (2015) - Or the Bull Kills You; The Bullfighting Experience in Or the Bull Kills You
Weider, David Heska Wanbli - (2022) - Winter Counts
Whishaw, Iona - (2021) - A Killer in King's Cove
White, Loreth Anne - (2020) - In the Dark
White, Randy Wayne - (2012) - Sanibel Flats
Wiebe, Armin – (2010) - Murder in Gutenthal; Excellent
Wiebe, Sam - (2015) - Last of the Independents and The Unhanged Arthur Award; (2016) - Invisible Dead and Sam Wiebe on His Sleuths; (2018) - Cut You Down and Sam Wiebe on Dave Wakeland; (2021) - Hell and Gone and A Vulnerable Tough Guy; (2023) - Sunset and Jericho; (2024) - Ocean Drive
Williams, Timothy - (2016) - The Honest Folk of Guadeloupe - Part I and Part II
** Wilson, Garrett - (2002) - Guilty Addictions; Paperback
Wilson, Robert – (2003) - A Small Death in Lisbon; Paperback or hardcover
Winslow, Don – (2005) - The Power of the Dog (Tied for 3rd best fiction of 2005); (2016) - Cartel; (2022) - City on Fire and Body Counts in Fictional Gang Wars (Ian Hamilton, John Grisham and Don Winslow) Hardcover
Wolf, Joan – (2000) - No Dark Place; Alright
Wolfe, Inger Ash (Pseudonymn of Michael Redhill) – (2009) - The Calling; (2011) - Who is Inger Ash Wolfe? (2012) - The Taken; (2012) - Being Affected by a Male Author Creating a Female Sleuth; (2012) - Q & A with Michael Redhill on his Pseudonym Inger Ash Wolfe; (2014) - A Door in the River and Other Reviews of A Door in the River and Email Exchange with Michael Redhill on A Door in the River (Part I); (2016) - The Night Bell
Wolfe, Susan – (2014) - The Last Billable Hour; (2014) Who is Susan Wolfe?; (2017) - This is Susan Wolfe; (2018) - Escape Velocity and Georgia Griffin and Ken Madigan in Escape Velocity and Email Exchange with Susan Wolfe
Woodward, Caroline - (2013) - Showdown at Border Town and The Contest to Write an Adventure of the Young Paul Martin and Q & A with Caroline
Wright, L.R. - (2012) - The Suspect; (2012) - "W" is for L.R. Wright; (2024) - Fall from Grace
Xiaolong, Qiu – (2009) - Death of a Red Heroine (Second best of 2009 fiction); (2011) - "X" is for Qui Xiaolong; (2011) - A Case for Two Cities; (2012) - "X" is for Qiu Xiaolong Again; (2012) - A Loyal Character Dancer; (2013) - Red Mandarin Dress and Reflections on red Mandarin dresses; (2015) - The Mao Case; (2016) - Don't Cry, Tai Lake and The Poetry of Pollution in Qiu Xiaolong's Fiction; (2016) - Comparing Serial Killers in Three Totalitarian States; (2017) - Enigma of China; (2017) - Shanghai Redemption; (2023) - Hold Your Breath, China; (2023) - Becoming Inspector Chen - (Part One) and (Part Two); (2023) - Inspector Chen and the Private Kitchen Murder; Hardcover or paperback.
Yessayan, Raffi – (2010) - Eight in a Box
Yokomizo, Seishi - (2022) - The Honjin Murders; (2023) - Death on Gokumon Island
Young, Robert J. - (2019) - Another Spy in Paris
Young, Scott - (2012) - Murder in a Cold Climate; (2012) - Traditional Outdoor Journeys in Crime Fiction; (2013) - The Shaman's Knife: (2013) - Flying on the Edge of the World
Zimmerman, R.D. - (2013) - Outburst
Zouroudi, Anne - (2011) - The Messenger of Athens
Yokomizo, Seishi - (2022) - The Honjin Murders; (2023) - Death on Gokumon Island
Young, Robert J. - (2019) - Another Spy in Paris
Young, Scott - (2012) - Murder in a Cold Climate; (2012) - Traditional Outdoor Journeys in Crime Fiction; (2013) - The Shaman's Knife: (2013) - Flying on the Edge of the World
Zimmerman, R.D. - (2013) - Outburst
Zouroudi, Anne - (2011) - The Messenger of Athens
Zubro, Mark Richard - (2012) - The Truth Can Get You Killed; (2012) - "Z" is for Zubro
Zuehlke, Mark - (2002) - Hands Like Clouds; (2011) - "Z" is for Mark Zuehlke; Paperback
Zunker, Chad - (2020) - An Equal Justice
Where's Peter Robinson who lives in Canada? He has 25 DCI Banks mysteries, and I've read most of them.
ReplyDeleteJo: Thanks for the comment. Peter splits his time between Toronto and North Yorkshire.
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays!
ReplyDeleteI just read The Unlocking Season, by Gail Gowen. A good book, but with some intolerable bad, degenerate guys, some of who had died and some who died during the book. Good riddance.
And although I was annoyed with them, I grew fond of the protagonist and her family members. I immediately began to fear something would happen to one of them. And Zach's comment on the last page was ominous. I hope all of them remain in several books to come.
Kathy D.: Thanks for the comment. Sorry for the late acknowledgement. Sharon and I have been on a cruise since Dec. 1. I enjoy the family dynamics of Joanne. All the best to you in 2022!